Ai-Parker-King-Kaumualii-large-webThe Honorable Mayor Bernard Carvalho has proclaimed 2013 – 2014 the “Year of the King”, in honor of King Kaumuali`i, the last king of Kaua`i.  Brook Kapukuniahi Parker`s painting of the King inspired reactivation of the Friends of King Kaumuali`i, and several activities are planned to heighten awareness of his life and role in Kaua`i’s history.

The “Festival of Stars & Flavors of Waimea” will begin at 12 noon, October 19, with the sound of the conch shell announcing Kaua`i’s Aloha Week Royal Court.  Na Mele O Kaumuali`i will showcase original songs about Kaumuali`i, mele and oli composed just for this Festival.  Melodious sounds of chants and songs honoring the legacy of King Kaumuali`i will fill the air.  Bring your mats and chairs to Hoffgard Park in Waimea and enjoy this FREE musical performance in tribute to King Kaumuali`i.

Kaumuali`i Tee Shirts will be on sale.  For a cash donation, Hart Felt Massage will offer relaxing massage.  Monies from these activities will help fund a statue of King Kaumuali`i.  Come and enjoy the flavors of Waimea as well.   See what treasures of cultural cuisine are to be found among Waimea merchants; take a self walking tour, guided by our recently installed storyboards.

Remember: October 19, 2013, from 12 Noon to Sunset, at CB Hoffgard Park, fronting First Hawaiian Bank.

Come early, stay late.

With support from the Kaua`i Superintendent of Schools, beautiful posters of the King along with a Historical Timeline of his reign were distributed to the island’s public, charter and private schools, from which teachers may develop a curriculum to create better awareness of Kaumuali`i.

With a likeness of Kaumuali`i now available, a statue will be sculpted from Kaua`i’s igneous (lava) rock by the internationally known sculptor and artist Siam Caglayana,  a resident of Kaua`i and owner of the Hanapepe Artworks gallery.  It will be the people’s statue of a beloved King, who ceded Kaua`i to Kamehameha I in 1810 to save his people from bloodshed.  Together, we the people of Kaua`i will raise the $40,000 needed:

Make checks payable to: Friends of King Kaumuali`i

Mail to:

Friends of King Kaumuali`i
P.O. Box 509
Waimea, Kauai, HI  96796

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