Arnold Meister as playwright Tennessee Williams

Arnold Meister as playwright Tennessee Williams in “An Evening with Tennessee Williams,” a WIT production running weekends only Oct 19 through 28. Courtesy photo

Women In Theatre – WIT – invites theatre and literature lovers to meet  some of Tennessee Williams’ most iconic characters to be reminded, perhaps, of a favorite play — or to discover one that is less familiar; to appreciate a giant literary talent and hopefully, to experience the numinous moments that only live theatre can offer.

Laurel Petterson McGraw, the compiler and director of An Evening with Tennessee Williams, has selected and assembled scenes from his greatest plays —  scenes that illustrate his sure touch with characterization and his masterly dialog. Arnold Meister, as the playwright himself, will guide the evening with southern charm also contribute a performance as Big Daddy from Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. He’ll awaken Amanda in Glass Menagerie; Mrs.Venable in Suddenly Last Summer; Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire, to name just a few.

An evening with Tennessee Williams will run from October 19 though 28 on Fridays and Saturdays at 7 p.m., and on Sundays at 5 p.m. at WIT’s End in the Coconut Marketplace – mauka side.

Tickets are $15, available in advance at or else at the door. The theatre seats 50 — advance ticket purchase is advised. Call the WIT Hotline at 808-635-3727 for additional information or to make a reservation.

The cast and director of "An Evening with Tennessee Williams.Courtesy photo

The cast and director of “An Evening with Tennessee Williams.Courtesy photo

Notes from the director, Laurel Petterson McGraw

In a collection of scenes from Williams’ astounding body of work that is introduced by the author himself, Arnold Meister will “channel” the incredible playwright whose works are the most performed of all plays written in English other than those of Shakespeare.  Perhaps this is because Williams’ characters capture the intense brilliance that resides in all of us when we face our inner truth.

All of us know the cry Stella!!!!!” that Brando wrenched from himself as Stanley Kowalski. “I have always depended on the kindness of strangers,” spoken by Blanche at the end of A Streetcar Named Desire is another phrase that may sum up how we feel at times. Williams has given voice to these feelings that sometimes leave us mute — but the master playwright had no such difficulty. He wrote every morning, in spite of a lifestyle that is legendary.

The evening will include scenes from A Streetcar Named Desire, Night of the Iguana, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Sudenly Last Summer and A Lovely Sunday for Creve Coeur, as well as other Williams plays.

The cast will include Bailey Hutton, David P. Scott, Shauna Griffin, Corissa Berrett, Mary MacDermott, Jim Warrack, Delia Valentin, Morgan Liddell, Jennifer Downs, Fredan Alfonso, Liz Hahn, Gina Mears,  Aaron Martin and Arnold Meister.

About Laurel Petterson McGraw

Laurel Petterson McGraw is an accomplished writer, director, actress and set designer/builder. In her daily life she is a massage therapist with a special sense for healing.

She has been recognized by WIT with the Anna Sloggett Award for Excellence in the Arts — as have cast members Delia Valentin and David P Scott.

Petterson McGraw is generous in spirit and has spent many hours with the cast, the set, the WIT  board and by herself, writing a remarkably believable dialog in Tennessee Williams’ style.  WIT gratefully acknowledges her contribution to the arts and to the success of this play.

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