Haunani Rossi

Haunani Rossi, Kaua`i Aloha Weddings. Pono Studio, photography by Ralph Nishimoto

Success is in the Planning

by Anne E. O’Malley and Joan Conrow

Be it four or 1,500 persons with 32 in the wedding party alone, no wedding is too small nor too large for Haunani Rossi, owner of Kaua`i Aloha Weddings. She’s on it, 24/7, working on time, within budget and using professionals.

“I don’t wear all the hats,” she says.

This planner, who helped start Kaua`i Wedding Professionals Association, has seen it all, including a request from a couple who wanted to swim into Kalalau and get married there.

“You have to see who’s available to perform the ceremony and how that person can get in and out,” says Rossi. “You have to work with the state on licensing.”

Unceasingly, for 21 years, Rossi’s business has been about what she calls the best part of her work: “Making people happy!”

If there is a trend in weddings, Rossi says that they’re going more for the green. Some examples include giving plants as favors, buying locally, marrying outdoors, organizing carpools or busing in guests.

She’s seen an economic trend developing, where couples save money by cutting out the additional professionals such as photographers, videographers and more. Instead, they hire coordinators who charge less but attempt to do it all.

Rossi calls that a mistake. The clients don’t get what they really want.

Says Rossi, “You really want the best, because hopefully, it’s the only time and you can’t go back.”

Connect with Kaua`i Aloha Weddings at 808-822-1477.

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