This is your chance to help small businesses and entrepenuers like Hawaii’s da-napkinman, succeed through “Get on the shelf contest” sponsored by Walmart. During the contest, The main way they Walmart judges a new product or idea is from the number of “VOTES” each one gets from the general public. So, For this month only, The public is invited to go online to Walmart’s get on the shelf site—click here. Or log onto Youtube, (which is free), search “Get on the shelf contestants” and place a vote for the ones you like. Anyone can vote once each day during this month, so build up the vote for your favorite products.

PR-good-rainbowA Kauai resident, John Hodges, Owner of, Hawaii’s Origami Style Napkins, holds 5 design patents, along with a utility patent pending for the transfer of color origami style images on to the paper napkin medium. For the contest, Da-napkinman is listed in the “Kids” section of the contest, as the napkins are great educational tools. They stimulate and challenge the creative mind while folding. They also make great kid and adult theme party favors, and are conversation starters. Folding fun for everyone!

Q: Will folks be able to go online to your site and order?

A: One day maybe, but not yet. We need the public’s vote during this contest so that anyone can walk into a Walmart store (or we hope some day any other large retailer), and pick some up for their party.

It is exciting that during this next month voters will be able to show their support by going to Walmart online and pre-purchasing quantities of the various products to help launch an entrepreneur’s dream. Please vote for Da-napkinman, creator of Hawaii’s own origami style napkins.


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