By Tommy Noyes

Individuals and community service organizations are urged to participate in a collaborative statewide volunteer effort around Earth Day 2022 during the week of April 17-23.

If you, your school or your community service organization are interested in new volunteering opportunities, this story about Volunteer Week Kaua‘i (April 17-23) is for you.

One’s most serene moments might occur near home. Picture strolling along a shady tree-lined sidewalk, feeling waves wash over your toes on a pristine beach, appreciating the massive strength of a horse from your saddle, nailing a sick ollie at the skateboard ramp, or watching your grandchildren frolic in a well-maintained neighborhood playground.

While these simple enjoyments all contribute to our peace of mind and make our communities richer for everyone, there is a deep sense of satisfaction awaiting those who are personally involved in improving some aspects of their environment.

The nonprofit Kanu Hawaii ( is nurturing systematic approaches to increase community cohesiveness.

“Kanu Hawaii provides tools and opportunities for people to connect with one another, and to take action that builds more compassionate and resilient communities across Hawaii,” Executive Director Keone Kealoha said. “Our vision: Hawaii’s people are equitably thriving through healthy and vibrant relationships, shared aloha, and a deep rooted kuleana for one another and Honua (the Earth).”

Inspired by Kanu Hawaii’s guidance, Volunteer Week Hawai‘i (April 17-23) coordinators across the state are now extending invitations to individuals, organizations, and businesses on all islands to plan many separate volunteer events, culminating in an awesome Earth Day 2022 collaboration.

Locally, the two Volunteer Week Kaua‘i 2022 island coordinators are Nikki Cristobal and Tommy Noyes (the author). Cristobal heads up Kamāwaelualani Corporation, a nonprofit dedicated to cultural and ʻāina (land; that which feeds) protection, preservation and perpetuation through public arts and ʻāina-based learning opportunities ( Noyes is the general coordinator for The Friends of Kamalani & Lydgate Park ( and Kaua‘i Path’s executive director. Learn more or register for Volunteer Week Kaua‘i 2022 at or contact the author at (808) 639-1018.

“Tommy and I brainstormed an extensive list of community service organizations that we’re contacting,” Cristobal said. “We hope every one of these groups, plus many more, will build their volunteer base by joining in this statewide collaborative effort. Numerous small events around the island will be structured with pandemic-appropriate measures. I see Volunteer Week Hawai‘i 2022 as an excellent way to energize and engage a large number of new volunteers, both residents and visitors.”

Some Kaua‘i organizations already on board include Healing Horses, Citizens Forester Program, Kaua‘i Skate Ohana, Friends of Kamalani & Lydgate Park, Surfrider Foundation and Rice Street Business Association.

Samantha Henriques, who coordinates Healing Horses Kaua‘i’s program  ( said, “Our mission is to enrich the lives of people of all abilities through Equine Assisted Activities and Therapies, improving their physical, cognitive, social and/or emotional well-being. Much of our good work is accomplished through volunteer efforts.”

Tommy Noyes

“The Citizen Forester Program honors the reciprocal relationship between nature and humanity, empowering community members to become forestry leaders,” island coordinator Sari Pastore said. “Our community’s strong connection to place will help us in our work as tree ambassadors and speak and act on behalf of a healthy, functioning and resilient urban forest with both native and culturally appropriate tree species.”

Please consider being a part of Hawai‘i’s largest volunteer-focused campaign. Search these hashtags on social media to see the difference we’re collectively making;
#volunteerweekhawaii #respondwithaloha #kokuaexchange.

  • Tommy Noyes is Kaua‘i Path’s executive director, a League of American Bicyclists Certified Instructor and active with the Kaua‘i Medical Reserve Corps.


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