By Léo Azambuja

SONY DSCLove is… Making Valentine’s Day last the entire month.

Actually, the goal is make it last the entire year. But we can take one step at a time, starting with February. Though you may miss the holiday season, you definitely wouldn’t want to be doing any party planning anywhere in the near future.

The good thing about Valentine’s Day, in this case Month, is that it doesn’t take much, if any, planning. In fact, bringing back the spontaneity of when you first started dating is the biggest lure of this whole month-long proposal. So planning should be kept at a basic level.

Remember: You keep love real when you make sure it stays unreal.

For the men, give her flowers when she least expects. Take her to the beach, and when she goes home tired, tell her you booked her a massage. Call her to let her know you’re picking her up in 30 minutes to go to an ethnic restaurant she’s never been to before. Take her to a movie, but avoid super-heroes and wars, unless she’s into it. Take her to get her nails done. Bring home ice cream, and attach a love note to it. Buy her clothes. Go big and book a trip to another island.

For the ladies, do a radio announcement saying how much you love him, right when he’s driving to work. Leave love notes around the house. Book a hotel stay – with his credit card, he won’t mind. Buy his favorite six-pack and put beers in the freezer 15 minutes before he arrives home. Pick him up at work and take him to a sports bar, and out-drink him. Get him some new pajamas, and then wear them.

The main point here is that a relationship should never lose that impulsive feeling. The possibilities are endless when you keep the spontaneity alive and let yourself be the same person you were when you started dating.

Ironically, if there is any day in February that you should make plans, it’s Valentine’s Day. Or else you may find yourself restaurant-hopping in search of an elusive dinner for two.

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