By Nancy Gardner-Heaven

Are Mammograms failing us as a diagnostic tool? Many women are refusing to have an annual mammogram. The thought of smashing delicate breast tissue and exposing themselves to carcinogenic radiation in order to see if their breasts are healthy just doesn’t seem sensible.

This is especially true when considering the error rate of a 40 percent false negative in postmenopausal women, a 60 percent false negative rate in women with dense breast tissue and an 80 percent false positive rate. Out of that 80 percent false positive, the result is that many women undergo unnecessary, invasive surgical procedures without being informed about far less damaging options. A biopsy of a precancerous lump breaches the encapsulation, can spread it outside the duct, expose it to a blood supply which can turn it into invasive cancer. This is unnecessary when research has proven these pre-cancerous lumps or Ductal Carcinoma in Situ, in most cases, can be reversed with an immune supportive protocol.

When considering that post-mortem statistics show that 40 percent of the adult female population have DCIS or pre-cancerous cells in their breasts, and one out of every eight women will be diagnosed with cancer in her lifetime, these invasive procedures are actually increasing the rate of breast cancer.

Thermography, using an infrared camera, is a safe, non-assaultive, and non-invasive diagnostic tool. Note: Only with a sophisticated Medical Grade Infrared Camera and Diagnostic Thermography Program can accurate reports be generated by a Certified Medical Thermologist. Thermography with a backup of a Targeted Ultrasound to locate and evaluate suspicious lumps, has been proven to give an accurate and much less invasive breast screening and monitoring.

How Accurate is Thermography as a Breast Screening Tool?

Nancy Gardner-Heaven

Thermography is not just a way to find disease, but it is a tool to monitor breast health, without breast compression or radiation. Using the strict procedures outlined in the Marseilles Classification Study, the accuracy rate for both false positive and false negative for Standardized Medical Thermography is 9 percent. This accuracy rate came from a study in 1976, at the Pasteur Institute, in Marseilles France. In this study, top medical doctors in their respective fields followed 3,000 women for five years using the results of the thermography readings: and additionally to histology reports to classify the different ratings of: TH-1 through TH-5 with related risk factors for malignancy. It should be noted that only a biopsy with a histology report can give a 100 percent positive diagnosis of malignant cells.

Unlike Mammography, research has shown that with a Comprehensive Immune Support Protocol© using Thermography as a monitoring tool, 80 percent of women with Atypical ratings reverse within three to six months. Using this method has saved hundreds of women from unnecessary invasive procedures.

Choose a Clinic that Follows Standardize Medical Thermology Procedures for Superior Accuracy

  1. The clinic should take a comprehensive reproductive history in addition to the details about any critical health issue.
  2. The technician should be qualified to not only take images but conduct a manual breast exam and recognize palpation of a suspicious lump, dimpling, or inverted nipple or a rash and make notes on the history form.
  3. An essential part of the accuracy rate is noting the results of the autonomic challenge (taking images before and after holding ice for one minute), which is important to distinguish neo-angeogenic blood vessels (that feed a tumor), from normal blood vessels.
  4. The Thermography report should show left right and frontal thermal images noting the temperature difference of the specific features on the images so they can be monitored for improvements. [See the images below for an example of an abnormal reading that has improved with the necessary detailed temperatures noted on the images for comparison].
  5. A phone consultation should be provided to go over the report as well as provide a Comprehensive Individualize Immune Support Protocol© to improve patient’s health.
  6. With follow-up thermography sessions and report, the findings should provide a visual comparison with the previous images so the patient can see if the specific features of concern has improved or not.
  7. Last but certainly not least, if the patient needs investigative and/or surgical procedures, professional staff should offer support so patients feel comfortable and safe and can make informed decisions rather than fear based ones.

If the clinic/technician doesn’t follow these procedures the accuracy rate is significantly diminished and not in compliance with Standardized Medical Thermology as outlined in the research finding of the Marseilles Classification Study.

  •             Nancy Gardner-Heaven is a Technician of Medical Thermology, Certified at Auburn University by the American Academy of Thermology. Nancy is a pioneer in the field of Medical Thermology offering Comprehensive Breast Screenings© using Standardized Medical Thermography for 25 years.

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