
SPEAKER TOPIC:  “Why Sex Education Matters”

The Zonta Club of Kauai will be presenting their October 1st speaker, Cynthia Chiang at their General Membership meeting.  Chiang will be discussing how comprehensive sex education connects with the Zonta Club of Kauai’s mission statement of “Empowering women through service and advocacy” at the Lihue Library Conference Room at 12:00 noon.  

As a health educator, Chiang worked for Planned Parenthood for almost three years and provided lessons and presentations to students and community agencies.  Her presentations related to sexual and reproductive health and encouraged the public to continue to conservation with their families within the larger context of their own personal, religious and cultural values.  

Healthy sexuality relates to many other pressing issues facing our community – domestic violence/sexual assault prevention, teen pregnancy, and LGBT inclusiveness.  Age-appropriate, medically accurate health education ultimately provides youth with the knowledge and skills to make responsible, safer decisions and emphasizes the importance of mutuality and respect.  

Information about the Zonta Club of Kauai’s October General Membership meeting or Zonta International and opportunities to join this global organization, email:  zontakauai@gmail.com, visit website:  www.zonta-kauai.org & on Facebook.  

Photo of Cynthia Chiang, Community Outreach Educator – Kauai Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and the Hawaiian Islands

Photo of Cynthia Chiang, Community Outreach Educator – Kauai
Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and the Hawaiian Islands

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