Sierra Club Outings For October, November, & December 2017

Saturday, October 7 Sierra Club Hike Hanakapi’ai Beach
From Ke’e Beach we start our hike to Hanakapiai Beach along Na Pali. Great coastal views! 4 miles. Info Vivian Hager 652-3234,

Sunday, October 22 Tour de Po’ipu Sierra Club Bike Ride
Two Easy Moderate Rides. Fantastic South Shore views. Bring your own bike. Helmets required. 8 or 13 mile rides. Info Allan Rachap 212-3108,

Tuesday, October 24 Sierra Club Service Trip
Waimea Canyon Road Cleanup. West Side, easy. Casual morning clean up of Sierra Club’s adopted highway usually requires a little over an hour. Please help keep the gateway to Waimea Canyon clean. 2 miles. Info Bob Nishek 346-0476,

Saturday, October 28, 9am-Noon Nukoli’i Beach Cleanup
Surfrider and Sierra Club collaborate to protect the marine and other wildlife, the reef, and ocean from marine debris. Bring water and hat. We’ll supply gloves, bags, and refreshments. Check our website or call leader to find out at which end of Nukoli’i Beach we’ll meet, Judy Dalton at 482-1129,

Wednesday, November 1 Sierra Club Hike Alaka’i Swamp Boardwalk
The Alaka’i is a primeval habitat made accessible by boardwalks. The Alaka’i, one of the world’s wettest spots, is not a swamp but a mountain rain forest rising 4,500 feet above the Pacific. A variety of native plants and birds can be seen only on this trail. Very strenuous, 7 miles. Info Bob Nishek 346-0476,

Friday, November 3 Sierra Club Hike Sunset to Full Moon Coastal Walk
We start off in the late afternoon from Kuna Bay (Donkey Beach) walking along the coastline ending at Kapa’a Library watching the full moon rise over the ocean. We’ll shuttle cars for a one-way hike. 4.5 miles. Info Judy Dalton 482-1129 and co-leader Lee Gately,

Saturday, November 11 Sierra Club Hike Sleeping Giant (Nonou)
Incredible sweeping views and lush vegetation. 3 miles moderately strenuous. Info Vivian Hager 652-3234 and co-leader Lee Gately,

Saturday, November 18 Sierra Club Hike Jewel of Koke’e
Strenuous, spectacular hike through forests of Koke’e, Black Pipe Trail, Canyon Trail, Po’omau Canyon Lookout. Cross over Waipo’o Falls for a view of Waimea Canyon to the ocean. 7 miles. Info Ken Fasig 346-1229,

Saturday, November 25, 9am-noon Donkey Beach Clean Up
Surfrider and Sierra Club team up to help protect marine life, the reef and ocean from litter and fishing net entanglement. Look for banners at the parking lot above Donkey Beach, between the 11 and 12-mile highway markers by Public Shoreline Access sign. Bags, gloves, and snacks provided. Info Vivian Hager 652-3234,

Tuesday, November 28 Sierra Club Service Trip
Waimea Canyon Road Cleanup. Casual morning clean up of Sierra Club’s adopted highway usually requires a little over an hour. Please help keep the gateway to Waimea Canyon clean. 2 miles. Info Bob Nishek 346-0476,

Saturday, December 9 Sierra Club Hike Kuilau Trail
A gentle steady walk on a wide path with sweeping view of lush valleys and Mount Wai’ale’ale and Makale’ha Mountain Ranges. This trail offers great rewards without a lot of effort. Glorious views & ever-present bird-songs reward you along this trail. Hike to bridge and picnic tables for lunch. 3.5 miles. Info Lee Gately 661-373-4834 and Vivian Hager,

Tuesday, December 12 Sierra Club Service Trip
Waimea Canyon Road Cleanup. Casual morning clean up of Sierra Club’s adopted highway usually requires a little over an hour. Please help keep the gateway to Waimea Canyon clean. 2 miles. Info Bob Nishek 346-0476,

Sunday, December 17 Sierra Club Hike Maha’ulepu and Makauwahi Cave
Enjoy the majestic coastline. Visit the world-class sinkhole, cave archeological site. 3 miles. Info Allan Rachap 212-3108,

Saturday, December 23, 9am-Noon Kealia Beach Clean Up
Surfrider and Sierra Club collaborate to protect the marine and other wildlife, the reef, and ocean from marine debris. Will you please help? Look for banners at parking lot. Bring your water and hat. We’ll supply gloves, bags, and refreshments. Info Judy Dalton 482-1129,

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