Lihu`e Salvation Army Outstanding Volunteer of the Year, Larry Rivera

Lihu`e Salvation Army Outstanding Volunteer of the Year, Larry Rivera, (l). Major Mario Reyes (r) presents the award. Photo by Katie Beer

by Staff

On Thursday, May 10, The Salvation Army of Kaua`i held its Annual Advisory Board and Volunteers Mahalo Luncheon at the Kaua`i War Memorial Convention Hall, in Lihu`e. On behalf of the Salvation Army, Major Mario Reyes, Kauai Island Coordinator, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the advisory board, members, donors and volunteers for their “generous gift of time and aloha, making a difference in our community and doing the most good for Kaua`i. May God richly bless you all.”

The 2012-2013 officers (not pictured) are: Katie Beer, chair; Trinette Kaui, vice-chair; Yoshiko “Dimples” Kano, secretary; and Sonia Topenio, treasurer. Board members in attendance included Craig Berry, Jeanette Bonilla, Pam Chock, Thomas Clement and Sara Miura. Also, organizations represented included the U.S. Marine Corps League, Kalaheo Missionary Church, Zonta Club of Kaua`i, For Kaua`i Magazine, Kaua`i Board of Realtors, Mayor’s Aloha Garden, Pioneer Seed, Hukilau Lanai Restaurant and the American Culinary Federation – Kaua`i Chapter.

After a buffet luncheon prepared by the soup kitchen chef and staff, attendees viewed a brief video on the Salvation Army of Kaua`i followed by and volunteers of the year awards. Major Neil Saunders was the keynote speaker.

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