Pamela Brown. Photo by Daniel Lane


Publish Your Own Book

You Can Do It!

Self-publishing is easier and more affordable than ever, though at times the options can feel overwhelming. Learn from our panel of industry insiders the easy steps to publishing your own book.

Learn tips about how to write, illustrate, publish, market and promote your book. No more rejection letters from big publishing companies. Become your own publisher and let the world enjoy your stories. You can do it!

DATE:                        Friday, Oct. 5, 2012

TIME:                        6 to 9 p.m.

LOCATION:            Kauai Humane Society classroom, 3-825 Kaumualii Hwy, Lihue

COST:                        $20 per person

Register online at


Building Your Platform

Marta Lane, owner; food and farmers columnist for MidWeek Kauai; author of the forthcoming foodie’s guidebook, “Tasting Kauai: A Culinary Romp Through Paradise.”


10 Steps to Successful Self-Publishing

Pamela V. Brown, editor/writer: “Kauai Stories: Life on the Garden Island told by Kauai’s People,” former editor of Kauai People weekly newspaper, publicist.


The Visual Perspective

Daniel Lane, photographer/graphic artist; clients include UPS, HGTV, Hawaii Aloha Travel, Kauai Visitors Bureau, Jeep Style Magazine, Koloa Rum; featured in MidWeek KauaiEye on Kauai.”


Designing the Perfect Book Launch Party

Ingrid Lundquist, international award-winning event designer/producer; author: “Results-Driven Event Planning: Using Marketing Tools to Boost Your Bottom Line,” and “Book-in-Hand Roadshow Dictionary of Publishing Terms.”

Workshop sponsored by Ingrid Lundquist and The Book-In-Hand Roadshow

By profession, Ingrid Lundquist is an international award-winning professional in two diverse fields: as an event designer/producer, and as author of Results-Driven Event Planning: Using Marketing Tools to Boost Your Bottom Line. In 2010, she opened TLC Publishing, an imprint of her event firm, The Lundquist Company Her personal experience in the world of self-publishing evolved into her latest venture The Book-In-Hand Roadshow, dedicated to helping writers understand the new world of self-publishing. The B-I-H Roadshow provides the opportunity to talk face-to-face with local experts who explain in plain English the components involved in the print-on-demand (POD) process. The sessions always provide lots of tips and tricks to add to your self-publishing toolbox.

By passion, Ingrid is a storyteller with an imagination that equals her keen eye to photograph the usual, the unusual, and the ridiculously absurd. Her blog Five Weeks in Florence is read in more than 43 countries.

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