PIHI Club Members remove Graffiti

L-R: Ben Valencia, Rocky Maniago, Roland Tanicala, Roy and Allen Matias, Leo Defontorum and Alex Cadiz were among the members of the Philippine Island Hawaiian Island Club that participated in a recent graffiti removal project at Hanamā’ulu Beach Park. Photo courtesy of Kaua`i County

News Release
For Immediate Release: September 24, 2012

PIHI members remove graffiti from Hanamā’ulu Beach Park

HANAMĀ’ULU – While many entities in urban areas have had to shoulder the burden of paying for graffiti removal, the people of Kaua’i have generously donated their time over the years toward this effort.

The most recent graffiti removal project was coordinated by the members of the Philippine Island Hawaiian Island Cycling Club (PIHI). The group spent several hours on a Sunday afternoon painting over graffiti at Hanamā’ulu Beach Park.

“We all enjoy cycling, but our mission also includes community service,” said PIHI Director Lemuel Soria, noting that the club has officially adopted the pavilion at Hanamā’ulu Beach Park where their monthly meetings are held.
Approximately 18 PIHI members participated in the recent clean-up of the pavilion, restrooms and shower areas.
“Even a couple of homeless people joined us in this effort, and a few others signed up as new club members that day,” said Soria.

Lenny Rapozo, director of Parks and Recreation, expressed his appreciation for PIHI’s volunteer work.

“We are grateful for their assistance with helping to make the Hanamā’ulu pavilion a place that the public can enjoy,” said Rapozo, adding that the PIHI members contributed a total of 50 manpower hours toward this project.

Eddie Sarita, coordinator of the county’s Adopt-A-Park Program and manager of the Kaua’i War Memorial Convention Hall, noted that anyone who signs up as a volunteer in the Adopt-A-Park program can choose how he or she would like to help. He said that training on how to perform a particular task is also available to volunteers.

“Volunteers can help in a lot of different ways,” said Sarita. “They can pick up litter, remove graffiti, sweep the courts and pathways, pull weeds, rake leaves, plant flowers or engage in other approved projects.”

An entire park or particular areas within parks may be adopted including: sports fields; exercise courses; flower beds; trees and shrubs; pavilions; playgrounds; basketball and tennis courts; bike and pedestrian paths; undeveloped parkland; and restrooms.

For more information about the Adopt-A-Park Program, please contact Sarita at 241-6623.

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