By Barbara Bennett, Owner & Publisher of For Kaua‘i

MagazineAloha, I am very pleased to introduce you to the first ever annual For Kaua‘i cultural glossy magazine. Newly arrived on Kaua‘i, the 102-page magazine with its extraordinary editorial and beautiful photography is receiving rave reviews by the community, residents and visitors.

I want to acknowledge the hard-working team that created this amazing piece of art, layout and editorial.

Carrie Johnson, owner of Andarta Design, Inc. continues her expertise as master designer and Web specialist at For Kaua‘i. She has been a dedicated and loyal partner since the beginning of For Kaua‘i.

Léo Azambuja, Editor in Chief, has brought his talent and cultural expertise to For Kaua‘i with his photography and exceptional feature stories.

These two people worked tirelessly for months producing this glossy like no other, while working on the monthly newspaper.

For Kaua‘i award-winning free monthly newspaper and For Kaua‘i’s first annual glossy cultural magazine are now available and on sale at the Kaua‘i Museum gift shop, Koke‘e Museum and Kaua‘i Veterans Museum. We are proud to support these partnerships with these most important historical archives and help them to raise funds to continue the important work that they do, recording and showcasing Kaua‘i’s history.

Barbara Bennett

Barbara Bennett

Those of you who had requested a free monthly newspaper mailed to you over these past six years received the annual glossy magazine free as a gift. The annual glossy is now being sold to benefit Kaua‘i’s museums and you can purchase your copy at these three locations.

Now For Kaua‘i Monthly newspaper mailed by request for these past years is now available with a paid subscription. Order your subscription online or mail in the coupon on page 30 in this and every monthly issue.

For Kaua‘i, the award-winning publication on Kaua‘i, has been acknowledged by the U.S. Small Business Administration, Hawai‘i District Office; the Hawai‘i Publishers Association; and the Society of Professional Journalists. Multiple journalism awards in 2015 and 2016 — a total of seven — only reinforce why more people read For Kaua‘i.

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