One Song Farm presents “The Garden as Teacher” workshop on Sunday, May 19th, 9am-1pm in Kilauea.  The cost is $36, cash only, please. Come prepared to be in sun or rain. Bring drinking water, a hat, sunscreen, rain gear and snacks.  No strong perfumes, animals or cigarettes, please.  For directions and registration, call 635.3020.

Lisa and Sun’s 30 years of combined knowledge of growing organically in the Hawaiian islands will help unlock the mysteries of Kauai soils and offer an opportunity for others to become better food growers.

Geared for novice and experienced gardeners, Lisa Fuller debuts instructing those new to Bio-Intensive gardening, while Sun simultaneously offers a master class to the professional farmer and gardener. 

Lisa’s Bio-Intensive Gardening for the Novice includes:

*Building healthy soil

*  Creating quality compost

*  Bed prepping and gardening maintenance

*  Selecting plant varieties

*  Rotating crops

*  Creating and caring for Keiki plants

*  Basic fertilizing

*  Insects as our teachers

Sun’s Master Gardening for the Professional

Sun invites experienced gardeners and commercial ag people to participate in a workshop focusing on transitioning to organic.  “We have an opportunity at this time to share methods on how to convert old depleted plantation soil to support organic food production.  For example, 1/4 acre of organic cabbage can bring in over $50,000 per year using these methods.  The key is quality organic soil.  Once you have quality organic soil, there’s no need for poisons.”

Master Gardening topics include:

*  Transitioning to organic

*  Addressing soil residues

*  Creating quality compost

*  Re-mineralizing soils

*  Cover-cropping to reduce non-beneficial nematodes

*  Selecting plant varieties for success

*  Using organic fertilizers

*  Enjoying insects

Throughout both presentations, they will teach their unique Bio-Intensive fuel-free, machine-free method of organic gardening.  They go beyond organic using a low-tech way to grow food using a small space.  Growing our own food is essential for achieving sustainability on Kauai.

What is Bio-Intensive gardening and why is it so important here on Kauai?

The Bio-Intensive method provides many benefits compared to conventional farming and gardening.  It is an inexpensive, easily implemented sustainable production method that is an alternative to commercial chemical and fossil-fuel-based forms of agriculture.

As an organic agricultural method, Bio-Intensive gardening produces maximum yields from minimal land, while improving and maintaining fertility.  The goal of this method is long-term sustainability.  It is particularly effective for back-yard gardeners and has been used successfully on small-scale commercial farms.

Contact Lisa and Sun, 635.3020 for directions and registration. $36 (cash only)


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