Bulder 2Agora Gallery in Chelsea, New York, will feature the original work of Kalaheo artist Liedeke Bulder in Contemporary Perspectives; a collective show displaying works from 14 artists.

“My works are contemplations on the transformative cycles of life: its force, fragility and evanescence, and the hope and joy within that,” Bulder says in her ARTmine page.

The exhibition goes from May 16 to June 5, with the opening reception May 22, according to a gallery press release.

Elegance and simplicity are imperative for Liedeke Bulder, who looks to plant life for the inspiration that fuels her paintings.

Born and raised in Amsterdam, Bulder has been inspired by Dutch traditions and landscape, as well as the modernist works of Ellsworth Kelly, Piet Mondrian, and Georgia O’Keeffe.

CyclusThis variety of influences is seen in Bulder’s style of painting, where carefully arranged images of flowers are staged in botanical repose. She allows the material to flow fluidly across the page in forms which she then works back into to create the structure of the plant. The shapes are rendered as daintily in paint as they are in reality, and emerge from a gentle, enveloping backdrop.

Bulder’s background color, similar to burnt umber, comes from working with a material called bistre — a pigment made of soot. The warmth of color gives the archival paper an aged look, which Bulder uses to represent symbolically the idea of natural cycles and regeneration.

Morphing“My approach is to literally go with the flow — seeing where the piece takes me by being open to the process as I lay down and manipulate the bistre washes,” she says on her page. “Then, through lifting the bistre and drawing with pastel, paint and graphite, I bring out the imagery that appears and tells the story.”

Contemporary Perspectives highlights the “exciting and innovative” nature of art today, with each artist bringing their unique point of view and feel for the “zeitgeist” to their work, according to the gallery.

Other artists featured in the exhibit include Pouneh Asli, Ouni Mam, Stéphane Delaprée, Julia Ennis, Semen Eruntsov, Olga Fedorova, Brenda F. Jackson, Ju Jian, Monica Manfroi, Natso, Susan Marx, Paula Montgomery and Teresa Ramon.

Agora Gallery is a contemporary fine art gallery established in 1984 in the heart of Chelsea’s fine art district in New York.

Visit http://www.agora-gallery.com/artistpage/Liedeke_Bulder.aspx for



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