Breath connects us all. It is the aloha the Hawaiian culture encourages us to share.  During this month we feel energized to work together. INEW MOON MARCHnstinctually we remember how good it feels when we work together. We ask ourselves, “Do my thoughts and actions help create the kind of world I wish to live in?”

This month the heavens mirror a dreamy landscape, a landscape in which compassion and peace reign. However, just when we think we understand what it’s all about, the vision dissolves, merges and changes.

First, there’s Venus attracting what we love and value into our lives. Pause first to take a breath: remember Venus is mirroring Pisces energy this month. Ask yourself, “Am I grasping at a rainbow? How can I use this energy to love unconditionally?”

We’re also asked to ponder, “Is this the deal of my dreams or is it and without substance? How can I use this energy to create deals that bless all?”

Our collective inner philosopher asks us to contemplate where we may exaggerate or deny the truth, like Pinocchio, to suit our own ends.

We’re encouraged to focus our thoughts on what we want rather than what we fear, as secrets are uncovered and we become aware of our collective use or abuse of power.

Thankfully Mars in Pisces can be a spiritual warrior, a master of Aikido. He asks us, “ How will we move and dance with our challenges to create our ideal world?”

We’re also invited to use the energy of where we have been hurt to become the medicine that builds bridges. Instead of being a victim, we take responsibility for our part in creating what ails us.

Like infinite drops of water we come together to form a powerful wave. Let’s invite our inner dancers, poets, musicians, spiritual warriors and healers to dissolve boundaries, and to dream new realities into being that benefit all. Let’s remember we are connected and constantly morph into that on which we focus our attention.

Movies and art are part of Pisces world because we can travel to different times and places to imagine ourselves as different characters.

We are the ever-changing characters in an ever-changing movie – our thoughts and actions are the collective movie director.

Haipule studies the chart for the new moon to create a collage depicting the energies for the month. Let your eyes ‘wonder’ (Pisces is a time to ‘wonder’ rather than ‘wander’) over the collage. Ask your self:

What draws my attention?

Why? What associations do I make?

Can I take one action this month to bring this awareness more fully into my life in a positive manner?

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