Visitors can anticipate a unique experience at local artist Daniel Finchum’s first solo exhibition. As a new artist, Finchum has worked for the past two years to compile a portfolio that has already acquired some recognition and awards. Finchum’s natural sculptures, which he refers to as “land art,” were painstakingly crafted and inspired by Kauai’s breathtaking vistas. In the rainforests and riverbeds, ocean shores and mountain tops, Finchum found inspiration for his art and the natural elements to design and sculpt them with. He then skillfully photographed these unforgettable pieces of art and carefully disassembled them, taking only their images with him.

An active resident of Kauai for the past 34 years, Finchum has acquired rare perspectives unshared by most visitors and all but the most adventurous residents. He sees his sculptures and photographs as enhancements to the island’s inherent beauty; he compares them to a “diamond necklace around the neck of a beautiful woman.” His skills as a photographer captures these portraits of Nani Kaua’i and his “Kaua’i ʻĀina Art” adorning her. His artistic vision speaks of Kauai’s beauty, culture, history, and even present concerns.

Finchum’s exhibit opening will be held on May 22, 2015, 6—9 PM, in the Kauai Society of Artists gallery space at Kukui Grove Mall. His reception promises music, pupus, and a couple of surprises. If you appreciate art and the natural beauty of Kauai, you won’t want to miss this special night.

Finchum’s entire body of work will be available after the exhibit on his company website at www.kauaiainaart.com.

You may contact him via email at dcfinchum@gmail.com, or by phone at (808) 639-7126.

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