Leadership Kaua`i announces its coming 2012 Adult Graduation Ceremony and recruitment for its 2013 Adult class.

Henk Rogers, founder & chairman of the Blue Planet Foundation and one of Hawaii’s major philanthropists and visionaries, will speak at the June 15 graduation to be held at the Kaua`i Beach Resort in Lihu`e. Tickets for the graduation ceremony and luncheon are $35; for the ceremony only, $10. The ceremony including community service project presentations begins promptly at 10 a.m.; the keynote speaker at noon and the luncheon at 12:30 p.m. Click here to make reservations and purchase tickets.

The adult graduating class of 2012 has  completed three community service projects this year and participated in numerous other events and activities benefiting the community. Leadership Kaua`i is for everybody interested in developing their inner leaders.

If you have one or more family members, friends, colleagues, or acquaintances who might benefit from participating in our upcoming class, please consider inviting him/her/them to attend the Graduation Ceremony and Luncheon.  Not only will they hear a great keynote address, but they will also be able to get information about the program directly from those who participated and benefited this year.

In addition, they will be able to hear all about the community service aspects of Leadership Kaua`i and learn how they might become more involved in our community during the 2012 – 2013 program year that begins with a Program Orientation on August 10.

An updated Adult Program Application, Year-long Schedule, and other relevant information are currently available by clicking here.

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