An open letter to our Kaua’i Ohana:

Aloha Everyone ~

Many extraordinary things are occurring on Kaua’i and we have great hope for the future of our island. Our North Shore volunteers at Prosperity For Humanity are developing a first-time-ever, not-for-profit, feature film to help save our coral reefs. The production of this environmentally enlightening experience is championed by several local groups who are co-collaborating with us on this exciting adventure.

This Wednesday on July 9th at 4:30 p.m., and again at 6:00 p.m, we are gathering at Pine Trees by Hanalei Bay. These family friendly meetings are open to everyone, and we will be sharing more about our current mission to help save our coral reefs. Dean Lyon (Visual Effects Supervisor for The Lord of the Rings trilogy), and his partners at Splinter Studios, have offered to help us produce a 3D IMAX documentary feature film about the pandemic that our coral reefs are facing in Hawai’i and around the world. Dean currently lives in Florida and has been keeping a close watch on the coral reefs there, here, and everywhere. He feels that this his kuleana, and he is helping us to develop this interactive adventure to inspire audiences of all ages through science, technology and the Hawaiian ways; and explored through the eyes of nā keiki, as they give voice to our precious marine life. This ‘edutainment’ adventure is designed to help empower the world’s population, so we can all come together and develop viable solutions for bioremediation and sustainability that can be implemented on our own island, as well as around the world.

The mana of this grass-roots Movement is very powerful, and given the current pandemic destroying Mother Earth’s most vulnerable resource, we also have an extremely urgent situation. If the coral reefs die, we all perish. However, there is still hope. We definitively believe that the children are our future, and that they have been bestowed with the divine gift of sharing knowledge in the simplest and most profound ways known to mankind. Our ultimate goal is to empower our children, our ohana, ourselves, and the world so that we can then come together and, each in our own personal way, help us all to save our coral reefs.

Please come if you can make it, and tell everyone you know. We need to spread the word through the coconut wireless, and the Internet, as quickly as possible. Our reefs are dying at an alarming rate and there is no time to lose. Co-collaboration is the most powerful resource we have; and if you have any ideas that you would like to contribute, please come on Wednesday and share them with us, or you can email us at We look forward to seeing you there.

Mahalo nui loa ~
Prosperity For Humanity

Fast Facts:

• The 3D hybrid-documentary feature film is being developed to inspire audiences of all ages through science, technology and Hawai’ian wisdoms, through the eyes of nā kekei; while simultaneously raising awareness about our coral reef pandemic, and raising funds for the many organizations that are aligned with causes supporting the ocean and our ecological sustainability.

• Ethical business practices, including transparency and accountability, are core values for the production of this documentary. By crowd-funding donations for the production of this film, value is added through the independence and integrity of this collaborative endeavor. All of the proceeds for this film will be donated to pono-partnerships associated with saving/restoring/sustaining our ocean and ʻāina through natural processes.

• This three dimensional voyage through our oceans and ‘aina will transport audiences through a fully immersive exploration into the undersea world of of our coral reefs and aquatic life; while empowering the people with tools, techniques and programs that they can implement in their own back yards.

• We are currently connecting with several youth programs and local organizations associated with the ocean, ‘aina, and various environmental issues; as well as with local Hawai’ian groups and other cultural organizations.

• Our mission is to co-create this exciting interactive adventure for a worldwide audience. This ‘real-time feature film documentary experience is being developed to weave visual story telling through digital technology, sustainability through Hawaiʻian wisdom, natural science through marine biology, and creative arts through entertainment media. The primary mission of this film is to give a voice to our ocean’s precious and silent underwater marine life through the spirit of nā kekei.

• The short and long-term goals are to find exciting ways to effectively inspire our world’s youth and encourage them to learn, invent and implement natural methods of immediate bioremediation; while developing new techniques for balanced sustainability around the world — and especially, right here in our own back yards.

• Our journey begins at SeaCamp Kauaʻi ~ an interactive, outdoor, natural science and marine biology lab with a focus on combining environmental exploration, scientific discovery and ecological sustainability; with digital technology, creative entertainment and a whole lot of fun!

• SeaCamp Kauaʻi is preparing youth-based programs by combining environmental science and high-tech education with Hawaiʻian knowledge and ecological sustainability. This ‘edutainment’ curriculum is designed to teach and inspire our island’s youth though an interactive science and ecology experience.

• SeaCamp Kaua’i kids, locally and throughout the world, will perform hands-on experiments to help scientists uncover the many contributing factors affecting the health of our coral reefs.

• Science, technology, math and history will guide these students along this interactive journey as they research and collaborate on innovative ideas to co-create ecological balance in our environments.

• Multiple mediums will help kids everywhere learn, understand, and share the integral connections they discover between our earth, our air, our ocean, our plants, our creatures, our universe, and ourselves.

• A variety of video platforms will provide numerous opportunities for kids to talk story on camera, and find creative ways to express their newfound knowledge through art, theater, song, dance, literature, and game design.

• Our short and long-term goals are to find exciting ways to effectively inspire our youth, and help them co-collaborate on viable methods of bioremediation; while assisting them with the development of new and effective techniques for balanced sustainability — globally, as well as right here in our own back yards.

• The budget for the feature film is $7.8 million, and will be raised through crowd-funding donations. Contributions are tax-deductible, and all of the proceeds will be donated back to help save our coral reefs.

• Collaborative partnerships with interconnected missions have the potential to create infinite opportunities for a variety of symbiotic relationships that can benefit all of Kauaʻi, now and for future generations to come.

• To provide a sustainable future for our families, And our children’s children, we must actively mobilize the current energy into collaborative synergy. As we co-create with this unique and exponential potential, we will empower ourselves to inspire others to empower themselves, as they then inspire others to empower themselves.

• The business model for this multi-media endeavor is designed to provide many creative opportunities for Kaua’i residents, while offering the high-tech jobs and education that the people of our island so desperately need.

• The marketing plan is designed to educate the world’s Ohana by sharing creative ideas, scientific research, nature-based knowledge and viable solutions.

• The budget for this charitable adventure will be crowd-funded by angels and other donors; and promoted through television, websites, video games and multiple forms of social media.

• The film’s multi-media promotional campaign is designed to educate, enlighten and empower people everywhere; while simultaneously promoting the ecological messages of this beyond-cutting-edge 3D hybrid-documentary feature film — from development to release.

• The cross-promotional marketing and fundraising strategies perpetually generate awareness-raising publicity on a global scale. As donations are raised for the production of the film, synergistic partnerships will raise funds for other environmental organizations and related programs — locally and abroad.

• The goal of this cross-promotional campaign is to raise the world’s consciousness for this important call to action, as we promote sustainable solutions for ecological balance around the world.

• The television and online media strategies are poised to commence upon the onset of development and pre-production; and then go viral throughout the production, post-production, theatrical release, and beyond.

• The distribution model is designed to have a global impact on humanity though a fully immersive high-tech entertainment experience.

• The social strategies offer humanity a personal connection to saving our coral reefs, whether it be as easy as enjoying this 3D IMax experience, or just by simply watching a webisode on their iPhone.

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