“Kauai Stories” talk story at Allerton Gardens on Ohana Day Nov. 17 — Free garden tours to Hawaii residents

Wilfred Ibara & Sharron Weber & Pam composite photo

Please join us as I talk story with five people whose personal stories are included in my book, Kauai Stories at the National Tropical Botanical Garden’s Allerton Garden in Poipu on Sunday Nov. 17 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 

Free tours of this beautiful garden will also be available to Hawaii residents that day (with Hawaii photo ID). Tour reservations are required – call 742-2623. 

Kauai residents Sharron Weber, Wilfred Ibara, Bob Ritch, Sadiqa Humbert and Lincoln Gill will talk story about some of their Kauai experiences.

Weber, owner of Tire Warehouse, will talk of becoming a world champion surfer as a young woman; Ibara will recall his memories of growing up and making mischief in sugar plantation housing “camps”; Ritch will share stories of working “just about every job on sugar plantations”; Humbert will share her sheer joy of moving to Kauai from Alaska; and Gill will recount his story of generosity returned multi-fold when he shared a bunch of bananas from his garden with his newspaper carriers.

See you there!

For more information about the book, Kauai Stories or to recommend a story for Kauai Stories 2, visit www.kauaistories.net or call (808) 651-3533.

P.S.  Kauai Stories makes a wonderful Christmas gift – especially for your friends and family on the mainland and those who once lived on Kauai. Visit www.kauaistories.net for a list of places where Kauai Stories is available.

With much aloha!
Kauai Stories signaturePamela Varma Brown
Publisher, Kauai Stories
Ph: (808) 651-3533

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