Runoff from a heavy rain carries farm chemicals as well as topsoil from unprotected, highly erodible soils in northwest Iowa. Soil erosion involves the breakdown, detachment, transport, and redistribution of soil particles by forces of water, wind or gravity. The economic impact of mitigating soil erosion significantly burdens the agri-business sector and the nation as a whole. NRCS has erosion prediction tools and conservation practices that contain the technologies to assist land users to plan and implement conservation systems to address soil erosion. Photo courtesy of NRCS

The East and West Kauaʻi Soil and Water Conservation Districts are holding a Local Work Group meeting for Kauaʻi agricultural producers representing crops and livestock, private forest land owners, and other professionals representing agricultural and conservation interests with disciplines in the soil, water, plant, wetland, and wildlife sciences who are familiar with private land agricultural and natural resource issues in the local community, according to an SWCD news release.

The meeting will be held at the Office of Continuing Education building, at Kauaʻi Community College Thursday, Sept. 26 at 6 p.m. Pupus and door prizes will be available for in-person attendees.

It is the charge of the Local Work Group to evaluate the current conditions of Kauaʻi’s natural resources and dominant land uses, identify natural resource concerns and goals, examine new conservation opportunities, and prioritize areas where conservation efforts are most needed. This meeting is open to the public so they can share their ideas on resource concerns in the community and help prioritize USDA-NRCS federal assistance funds. Natural resources include soil, water, air, plants and animals.

Resource maps will be available in advance and at the time of the meeting. Request maps in advance by Friday, Sept. 20. Come prepared to discuss priority issues (eg. resource concerns, underserved producers, beginning farmers, land uses, etc.) with other dedicated community members.

The SWCD have been serving the community at large on Kauaʻi since 1953 with ongoing projects and educational outreach to all ages and backgrounds across the island. The NRCS and SWCD partner together to connect farmers and producers to educational, technical and financial resources to better protect our natural resources like water, soil and wildlife. The NRCS is an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture that provides technical assistance to farmers and other private landowners and managers. They also have various programs that can provide financial assistance to farmers who qualify.

RSVP by Friday, Sept. 20, 2019 with your intent to attend.
Contact 4334 Rice Street, Suite 207, Lihu‘e; 808-245-9014 opt. 3; or; or visit for more information.

The draft agenda can be viewed  on or at

Individuals requesting special assistance or auxiliary aids or services (e.g., sign language interpreter, wheel chair accessibility, or parking designated for the disabled), contact staff at least 72 hours in advance at (808) 245-9014 for arrangements.

Public Local Work Group meeting Agenda

East and West Kauaʻi Soil and Water Conserversation Districts

Kauai Community College OCET Building; Sept. 26 at 6 p.m. Call-in number to join meeting remotely: 888-844-9904; Access code: 986-7980##

Live presentation during meeting:

NRCS PIA Local Working Group webpage:

  1. Introductions and Purpose – SWCD (District Chair) & NRCS (DC) — 10 minutes
  2. Housekeeping, Ground rules, & Expectations – Facilitator & SWCD — 15 minutes
  3. Situation Assessment & Review Resource Data – SWCD & NRCS — 45 minutes
  4. Identify resource concerns – Group breakout session — 45 minutes
  5. Group report and prioritize resource concerns – Group & Facilitator —45 minutes
  6. Outline goals and actions – Group & Facilitator — 45 minutes
  7. Summary and Parked items – SWCD — 15 minutes


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