Photo by Kim Murierra

Photo by Kim Murierra

By Lois Ann Ell

Name: Ala Palamea Waldorf Home School
How Many Students: 7 currently. Will take up to 9.
Grade: 6th grade. Have been with the same group since 2009 when they began as 2nd graders.
Location:  Kapahi
Founded: 2009
Philosophy: Waldorf Education
Motto: “Receive the children in reverence. Educate them in Love. Send them forth in Freedom.”
Quote from teacher Kim Murriera: “My goal as a Waldorf Teacher is to guide each child into his or her individual level of academic excellence, to call forth an enthusiasm for learning, to cultivate a healthy awareness for self and other, to generate a personal experience of meaning in all subject manner and to offer the children all of this engaging their intellect and emotions.”
For more information: visit or email

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