By Virginia Beck

The lotus blossom at Lawa‘i International Center’s Hall of Compassion will soon make room for a calligraphy sign with the following words: ALOHA — Akahai, kindness, as expressed with tenderness; Lokahi, unity, to be expressed with harmony; ‘Olu‘olu, agreeable, to be expressed with pleasantness; Ha‘aha‘a, humility, to be expressed with modesty; and Ahonui, patience, to be expressed with perseverance. Photo by Léo Azambuja

Freedom of travel to Hawai‘i is a blessing for all. For the visitors to refresh themselves and enjoy family vacations, and our local hospitality services. We are all challenged to make this safe and rewarding, and low risk.

Kaua‘i is doing a great job of vaccination because we have a small population and an outstanding, impeccable Department of Health. We salute them for the incredible progress we have made.

The painful restrictions and diligence of Mayor Derek Kawakami had a major goal, to keep Kaua‘i safe. In the 1800s, travelers unintentionally infected Hawai‘i with five major diseases. Native Hawaiians died by the hundreds of thousands. Simple survivable diseases such as measles destroyed the safety of our islands, and families entirely.

The tragedy of those years included royalty, a king, a queen and others. We never want to see that again.

So, if you think we are being annoying by asking you to wear masks and wash your hands, be grateful that you will not encounter any of the new and more contagious variants. Maui is struggling to contain the new variants. Viruses are equal-opportunity killers.

We are as desperate as you are for freedom, recreation and relaxation. Wearing a mask is still required just like seatbelts , a new thing to learn. Now masks.

The New York Times each Sunday updates their report of specific variants. It is easily accessible online, and more knowledge keeps you safe.

The British variant will likely become the dominant United States variant, until the next one. While vaccinations are safe and believed effective against most virus variants, Southern California has a new, troubling variant. The soaring case numbers showed increased contagion. Nearly 50 percent of COVID-19 cases there are positive for this one.

Since it seems to affect younger people, and that asymptomatic people may carry it, it can spread invisibly. Unnoticed but risky.

We still need handwashing, better than hand sanitizers at killing the virus. Maui is struggling with clusters of new variants, greatly escalating and targeting small groups.

Joy and beauty are still available here. Hospitality is unmatched and done with care for all.

Dining, boat tours, arts and crafts, jewelry and unique foods to satisfy your cravings.

Despite hammering rains and winds and the damage to the Hanalei highway, one lane is opening to let you visit. Spend money with pleasure and help to restore our jobs and economy as we help you to enjoy a much-needed reprieve from working at home, sadness, loss and restrictions.

Your resort or hotel can connect you with our United Way, local food banks and other charitable relief organizations, or will be happy to accept envelopes to deliver to them

Please wear masks to protect yourselves and all of us, especially native Hawaiians, from the troubling variants. The life you save may be your own, your elders’, or your children’s.

Learning to live with respect and care for others is the core of Aloha and Hawaiian values.

Mahalo nui loa for keeping us all safe.

  • Virginia Beck, NP and Certified Trager® Practitioner, offers Wellness Consultation, Trager Psychophysical Integration and teaches Malama Birth Training classes. She can be reached at 635-5618.


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