woolway for webBy Pam Woolway

Someone told me once that a good marriage is one in which you have the same fight for 40 years, and a bad marriage is a different fight every day.

I have a good marriage.

For 16 years my husband and I have fought over pets: their location, diet, population and treatment. He grew up in a petless household. I grew up with dogs licking dinner’s remains from the plates standing in the bottom rack of the dishwasher.

That said, our cover this month is on the foster program at Kaua’i Humane Society, where I spent two years as volunteer coordinator, and am proud to say, was a player in developing the healthy dog foster program.

My name may also be familiar to some readers for the three years I worked as lifestyle and food editor for The Garden Island newspaper where I wrote a bi-weekly column titled, “Being There.”

I’m proud of the team of writers joining me within this publication – some familiar to you and possibly a few new names.

Veteran journalist Jan TenBruggencate will continue to entertain and intrigue readers with his monthly column. Let me introduce two of my favorite Kaua’i writers, Lois Ann Ell and Kim Rogers. Insightful and brutally honest, their stories promise to surprise and educate.

February celebrates the launch of our very own South Shore astrologer, who goes by the pen name, Haipule. Her sharp observations add new layers and accessibility to a mysterious art.

There’s so much rich material to write about on this island. My brain is teaming with ideas. An additional element I’d like to add is an advice column in the spirit of “Dear Abby,” who coincidentally, died last month, the day I conceived of the idea.

What do you think? Send me a suggested title for a local-style advice column or any idea for content. If chosen, you’ll receive a $25 restaurant gift certificate. Email  HYPERLINK “mailto:pam@forkauaionline.com” pam@forkauaionline.com.

Enjoy our stories of renewal and second chances; seems a  fitting theme for a writer returning to journalism after a two-year hiatus.

I still volunteer at the shelter. It worries my husband.

I assure him that my being there is a form of marriage security.

After all, we need something to fight about, and I think pets are worth fighting for.

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