A 16 feet by 34 feet section of Kapaka Road in Princeville is marked for repairs prior to resurfacing.

A 16 feet by 34 feet section of Kapaka Road in Princeville is marked for repairs prior to resurfacing as the county begins its island—wide road resurfacing project. County photo

LĪHU‘E – If everything goes as planned, approximately 91,805 feet of county roads throughout the island will be repaved by the end of the year.

Grace Pacific was awarded a contract upwards of $5.4 million for the island-wide road resurfacing project, which began earlier this week in the Hanalei district.

First in the queue is Kapaka Road. Other roads in the area that are slated for repaving include: Kalihiwai Road (east); Kalamania Road; and Kalamania Place.

“In determining what method to use to prepare each road for resurfacing, we followed the standards set by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) in their Guide for Design Pavement Structures,” said Deputy County Engineer Lyle Tabata.

He noted that where potholes or severe cracking from structural failure is occurring, the foundation will be rebuilt with asphalt treated base (ATB).

In other areas, the cold plane process will be used to strip old layers of asphalt, which will prevent the road course from rising and the shoulders becoming uneven. Additionally, severely eroded shoulders will be backfilled to meet the roadway elevation.

“Although the initial cost per foot is more following this approach, the end result is that these roads will have a longer lifespan than roads that are not properly repaired prior to being resurfaced, and the overall life cycle costs will be reduced,” said Tabata.

Expressing his approval with the methodology used, Mayor Bernard Carvalho, Jr. said, “We have a great team in place in Public Works that looks at the big picture and strives towards efficiency. Their efforts are key to achieving our vision for the island.”

After the work in the Hanalei district is completed, the contractor will move to the Kawaihau district where the following roads are scheduled for repaving: Alewina Place; Apelila Street; Auwaha Road; Bettencourt Lane; Elika Place; Halakahiki Place; Hale Place; Helena Lane; Ho‘omaha Place; Hulu Road; Ioana Street; Kahuna Road; Kalama Road; Kalika Street and Place; Kamane Road; and Kawaihau Road.

More roads in the Hanalei district include Kipuni Place; Kome Street; Kua Hale Street; Kula Mau‘u Road and Place; Likeke Place; Lokene Street; Luawai Place; Malakia Street; Mauna Ikena Road; Moa Road; Nana Place; Ninaulia Street; Ohu Road; Papau Street and Place; Poha Road; and Waiakea Road.

In the Līhu’e district, nearly 25,360 feet of roadway are on the drawing board for repairs, including: Ainakea Street; Alo Alo Place; Eha Street; Ekolu Street; Elima Street; Eono Street; Fuji Street; Hinahina Street; Hiraoka Street; Ho’olako Street and Place; Inouye Street; Jerves Street; Kali Road; Kapena Street and Place; Kele Street; Nakamura Street; Noi Street; Ohiohi Street; Oxford Street; Paena Loop; Poinciana Street; and Pulapula Place.

In the Koloa district, the following roads are on the repaving list: Akemama Road; Anuenue Road; Aulima Road; Ho‘ohu Road; Huapoo Road; Keoniloa Place; Lawailoa Lane; Makanui Road; Oluolu Road; and Pa’anau Road.

In the Waimea district, a number of roads are set for resurfacing including: Akialoa Road; Alae Road; Ali‘i Road; Eleu Road; Kala Road; Kane Road; Koko Road; and Mokihana Road.



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