Cop on Top 2012

Cop on Top 2012. Standing (l-r): Sgt. Rod Green, Lt. Paul Applegate, Sgt. Chris Calio. Seated (l-r): Diane, Walmart Shift Manager; Amara Coon, athlete, Wailua Imua; Kaimana McDermott-Sa, athlete, Kapa`a High School; Kim, Walmart Sales Associate. Photo courtesy of Cop on Top

Special Olympics Kaua`i holds two major fundraisers a year — this one is easy to participate in. COP ON TOP (COT) is coming to Walmart Lihu`e September 28-30. To the line of former Cop on Top recruits, add three newbies to the roof: Sgt. Rod Green, Lt. Paul Applegate, Sgt. Chris Calio.

This 9th annual COT begins at 6 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 28 when the men in blue are lifted to the rooftop of Walmart and ends at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 30 when the COTs come down. This event is sponsored by Falko Partners, Walmart, Kaiwa Construction and Kukui`ula Development.

The three law enforcement officers remain for three consecutive days and two nights up on the roof, eating, sleeping and passing the time until they raise a minimum of $25,000 for Special Olympics Kaua`i.

Here’s how it works. You show up at Walmart and throw money in the net set up for Cops on Top. Simple and easy.

Or, if you prefer, donate via credit cart at Special Olympics Kaua`i website by clicking here.

Or write a check made payable to Special Olympics Kaua`i and mail it to Special Olympics Kaua`i, P.O. Box 692, Lawai, HI  96765.

This fundraiser is offering a logo gift item with each donation of $5 or more and when you show up at Walmart, you can enter a drawing for a $50 Walmart Gift Card when you donate on-site. Special Olympics Kaua`i notes that for this benefit and the free logo item, arrive early as supplies are limited.

And finally, click here to visit the Special Olympics Kaua`i page on FaceBook and become a Fan!

Did you know: More children join Special Olympics each year. Fundraising is the only source of our programs, so your donations are needed now more than ever.

For more information on this event, call Shelly Gerardo at 639-3398. To enroll an athlete in a Special Olympics event or become a volunteer, call Jocelyn Barriga at 652-8662.

About Special Olympics

Over the past 40 years, Special Olympics has grown from a modest program serving local athletes to become the world’s largest movement dedicated to promoting respect, acceptance, inclusion, and human dignity for people with intellectual disabilities — all through the power of sports. Special Olympics is a movement through which the power of sports transforms the lives of people with intellectual disabilities and also unites everyone by fostering community-building and civil society.

Special Olympics’ mission is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of

Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills, and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.

September 28-30. To the line of former Cop on Top recruits, add three newbies to the roof: Sgt. Rod Green, Lt. Paul Applegate, Sgt. Chris Calio.

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