ByVirginia Beck

Miloli‘i sunset. Photo by Léo Azambuja

As the planet rolls toward the winter solstice, the time and place where the sun appears to stand still and reverse its swing through the sky, we move into the season of celebrations. Even though we know it is the tilt of our planet’s axis moving as we pass around the sun, it sure seems as though the sun is the one behaving differently. Just like all our other relationships!

Every culture on the planet recognizes the changing of seasons, and Kaua‘i is no exception. It may not seem that way to visitors. Weather patterns change, different plants bloom and blossom or offer their fruit. And we get cold, while the visitors laugh at us, 62 degrees, brrr!

What is amazing on Kaua‘i is the extraordinary variety of gatherings, concerts, craft fairs, fundraising dinners and auctions, chorale groups and delicacies available to us all. The Farm Fairs around the island host many vendors, and both locals and visitors are able to sample many treats. At this time of the year, we move into appreciation and holiday gifting.

More than ever, we need to take time to appreciate those who have been helpful to us in so many ways, whether they are big or small. It is a great time of the year to bring some treats with us to the post office, which gets slammed with packages going off to the Mainland. How about the bank tellers and cashiers in stores? Your mechanic or your friend’s brother who always helps you with the car? Your doctor’s office?

Yes, I know — but not just the doctor — how about the office staff who deal with the phones and help you when you are in distress, and are even nice to you on days you are a teensy bit cranky? The ones at the controls of schedules and delivering messages.

All those people do the invisible work of management and clerical and administrative tasks so that you can have your life the way you want it. Think about all the travel agents, front desk staff and car rental personnel. Everyone can use a smile and a small token of appreciation.

A warm mahalo note can make someone’s day. Maybe just the gift of you acknowledging their kindness. We take too much for granted until it is gone.

When people leave our lives — whether it’s because of a move, a job, an illness or even death — we all wish for one more chance to tell them how much we care. Why wait? Tell them today. The holidays are a great excuse, not that you need one.

Kaua‘i is an island with relationships more complicated and extensive than most places. This tiny place contains so much love and so many large extended families. We all have our tangled and complicated interactions, but in the end it is all about “Aloha,” all about “I love you.”

The understanding that we are all moving through space and time makes it especially precious when we are together. Never miss an opportunity to express love, joy, happiness, and aloha.

  • Virginia Beck, NP and Certified Trager® Practitioner, offers Wellness Consultation, Trager Psychophysical Integration and teaches Malama Birth Training classes. She can be reached at 635-5618.

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