By Léo Azambuja

Proclamation 1 webIt was a short and sweet honor for an independently owned Kaua‘i newspaper that has been around for many years.

Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr. proclaimed Feb. 7, 2014, as For Kaua‘i Magazine Day, in a ceremony attended by many, including former Mayor Marianne Kusaka, Office of Economic Development Director George Costa, Deputy County Attorney Mauna Kea Trask and, of course, For Kaua‘i staff and friends.

“Whereas, For Kaua‘i Magazine, formerly Kaua‘i People, has been the island’s community publication for 10 years,” Carvalho read from the mayoral proclamation.

And the list of accolades went on. Carvalho said For Kaua‘i itself has just entered its fourth year, and has a team made up of Kaua‘i residents, so the revenue generated stays on Kaua‘i and provides for jobs here.

Proclamation cake webThe newspaper brings in-depth community articles, has a vision to support the people and businesses of Kauai`i by providing a quality print publication and a state-of-the-art website, and is the most read publication on Kaua‘i, Carvalho said.

After the ceremony at the Mo‘ikeha Building rotunda, For Kaua‘i staff, friends and county officials got together for pictures, a cake and refreshments.

The party, hosted by For Kaua‘i Publisher Barbara Bennett, continued at Mahiko Lounge at Kilohana.

Proclamation webOffice of the Mayor

County of Kaua‘i Proclamation

For Kaua‘i Magazine Celebrating 10 Years of Publishing

Whereas For Kaua‘i Magazine itself, formerly Kaua‘i People, has served as the island’s community publication for ten years: and

Whereas, For Kaua‘i Magazine itself has served as the island’s monthly community publication for three years and in 2014 begins its fourth year of business; and

Whereas, For Kaua‘i magazine is an all local, all community, all Kaua‘i monthly publication, and an official Kaua‘i Made publication; and

Whereas, the For Kaua‘i team is made up of Kaua‘i residents, so the revenue it generates remains on Kaua‘i and provides employment for the people of Kaua‘i; and

Whereas, For Kaua‘i’s vision is to support the people and business of the island of Kaua‘i by providing a quality print publication and state-of-the-art website; and

Whereas, Barbara Bennett, Owner and Publisher of For Kaua‘i, commits to best practices in the art production and operations of the company, Kaua‘i Management Company, LLC, dba For Kaua‘i; and

Whereas, For Kaua‘i provides in depth community and people feature stories; and

Whereas, For Kaua‘i with its state of the art website, makes possible a paperless magazine that is read all over the world; and

Whereas, For Kaua‘i’s distribution includes the Kaua‘i and Honolulu airports; and

Whereas, For Kaua‘i is mailed to homes and businesses islandwide, statewide, to the Mainland, and Canada by request; and

Whereas, For Kaua‘i is proud to be the most read publication on Kaua‘i

Now, therefore, I, Bernard P. Carvalho, Jr., Mayor of the County of Kaua‘i, State of Hawai‘i, do hereby proclaim February 7th as For Kaua‘i Magazine Day and urge the people of Kaua‘i to pay tribute to the commitment and dedication of its management and staff for their informative publication.

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