slideshow-13.2 (1 of 1)01-3Improve your bike handling skills and basic bicycle maintenance, including how to fix a flat tire. Bring your own  helmet, bike in good working condition, lunch and water bottle. The class is for juniors over 14 and adults. There’s no charge for the class, but the class size is limited to 15 individuals. It’s from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. at the Vector Control Building, 4398-B Pua Loke St., Lihu`e. For more information or to register, contact Dr. Randy Blake at 635-8823 or email

Kaua`i Path, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit that envisions Kaua`i residents working together to preserve, protect, and extend access island-wide through the design, implementation, and stewardship of non-motorized multi-use paths.

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