By Tommy Noyes

Helicopter pilot Arthur Griffin-Noyes gives a little bit back to his community, while working alongside his father, Tommy Noyes, general coordinator of Friends of Kamalani and Lydgate Park, all while maintaining a place his son really enjoys. Photo by Tommy Noyes

Beginning on Jan. 1, 2022 a series of king tides launched a mass of albizia driftwood into Wailua River and the ocean. A lot of that material ended up in the Morgan’s Ponds at Lydgate Beach Park.

During the single month of January 2022, the Friends of Kamalani and Lydgate Park Beach Cleanup Team volunteers cleared away some 180 cubic yards of driftwood, almost all of it by hand. The Beach Cleanup Team was supported by the state Department of Parks and Recreation plus donated equipment provided by Pacific Concrete Cutting & Coring, and Cushnie Construction.

Clearing away huge amounts of driftwood by hand takes a lot of hard physical labor, yet the Friends of Kamalani keep coming back every Saturday, clearing the driftwood from this special park amenity. What is it that motivates these people?

“These beach cleanups are rewarding,” helicopter pilot Arthur Griffin-Noyes said. “I’m able to give a little bit back to my community, and it gives me the opportunity to work alongside my father on a project he’s passionate about, all while maintaining a place my son really enjoys.”

“Since I’m currently a visitor and not kama‘aina, it’s a ‘pay it forward’ approach,” said Kaua‘i-born Roy Seshiki, whose residence is in Washington state. “My father volunteered here, allowing me to enjoy the amenities of the beach and park. Now I’m volunteering so my son, granddaughter, and other ‘ohana will enjoy this place today, and in the future.”

Eric Horning’s background is in construction. He said we all have a place in this community and this island.

“We cannot turn a blind eye, and think that someone else will take care of the ‘aina,” Horning commented. “It’s our job to help out where we can, and do the work that helps us all. We all benefit from this wonderful island that we live on, and the people that make it a place to call home. The good feeling that this brings is only necessary in our hearts and nowhere else. I’m glad that I am able to help out, and that many others feel the same way.”

William Shorma, who owns Rushmore Buildings Company in Springfield, South Dakota, said these beach cleanups give his family a cool venue to be part of a community that takes care of their favorite piece of ocean. “We love snorkeling in the ponds, and the Kamalani Playground for the grandkids. We’re going on six years of doing this when we visit from the continent,” Shorma said.

A Kaua‘i Community Players actor and mentor for the Sea Scouts, Tom Worthen said, “I’m grateful for both the joy created as I watch people use the park, and the connections we make in our hard working cleanup team.”

Janice Bond said she and others at the Kapa‘a Lions Club began volunteering when new member Michelle Carlson announced she was the Beach Cleanup Team member in charge of refreshments. reported Janice Bond.

“Several Lions helped with the Jan. 15 cleanup, and then on Jan. 22 more Lions came out, including candidate for Prosecuting Attorney Rebecca Like and her whole family. As a bonus, several of the Beach Cleanup Team volunteers asked to join the Lions Club,” Bond said.

Worthen said he watches visitors and locals enjoying Lydgate Beach Park, and he can see the difference each beach cleanup makes.

“Following recent extreme rain events, albizia driftwood logs have entirely covered Morgan’s Ponds and washed up on the beach. It is so rewarding to see the rapid transformation from a pile of debris to the pristine beaches that we love,” Worthen said.

The constant battle to clear away marine debris is “daunting,” said Shorma, adding “we’re all hopeful that seawall infrastructure improvements can be made to reduce the severity of these cleanup efforts, and increase our time for enjoying an island vacation.”

Since no one can control the ocean or weather, clean up and maintenance will remain a necessity, according to Seshiki.

“When I was a Boy Scout, we were taught to leave our sites better or cleaner than we found it” Seshiki said. “Volunteering with The Friends of Kamalani and Lydgate Park’s Beach Cleanup Team allows me to do both, and enables others enjoy this place. My only hope is other visitors and locals will do the same.”

The Beach Cleanup Team meets every Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m. near Lydgate Beach Park lifeguard tower. Contact the author at (808) 639-1018 for updates on volunteer opportunities.

  • Tommy Noyes is Kaua‘i Path’s executive director, a League of American Bicyclists Certified Instructor and active with the Kaua‘i Medical Reserve Corps.

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