pr-Home_1Taislee Simao was born prematurely four years ago on October 9, 2009 at only 27 weeks of pregnancy. She weighed 1-lb. 9oz. and she and her mother needed to stay for over 2 months in the NICU (Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit) at Kapiolani Medical Center until she was strong enough to go home.

Taislee’s first day at home was just before Christmas. Taislee is now a healthy 4 year-old. Mom, Stephanie Simao, & Taislee will be on hand at the March for Babies “Team Captain Kickoff,” Tuesday, February 25 at Kukui Grove Starbucks from 7:00 am – 9:00 am.

Anyone who would like to start a Family Team, Company Team, or is already registered can come by to pick up a Team Captain packet, meet the Ambassador Family, and receive a $5 Starbucks gift card! Event Coordinator, Kristy Kinimaka will be on hand to assist with registration and answer questions about the walk.

The March of Dimes here on Kauai helps local families like the Simaos when a pregnancy is headed to a premature delivery. A full-term pregnancy is 40-42 weeks. Any baby born prematurely can have under developed lungs which can lead to respiratory problems, shallow breathing, and pneumonia.  Other complications such as blood infections, digestive distress, and many more health issues make it difficult for our smallest keiki to survive. The March of Dimes has been helping families have healthy babies for 43 years. With continued research, equipment, and volunteer support, moms such as Stephanie and babies such as Taislee are able to benefit from the support and medical advances the March of Dimes provides.

“I’m looking forward to being part of March for Babies walk because now that I am a mom myself, I can relate to the love parents have for their babies,” says Kristi Kinimaka, this year’s March for Babies Coordinator. “I appreciate what March of Dimes does to help these families in need. From the research, the facilities at Kapiolani to the host of volunteers who assist these moms in coping with such a small baby, the March of Dimes is there. I hope everyone will join us in this wonderful event to raise much needed money to fund these amazing programs and that one day all babies will be born healthy and at full term.”

The March for Babies walk is April 12 and begins at 8:00 am with registration at 6:45 am all at Lydgate Park in the main pavilion. We’ll have prizes, food, games, and more for all our walkers and of course we’ll be raising money to help families just like the Simaos.

For more information on the Team Captain Kickoff on February 25 or the March for Babies walk on April 12, call Kinimaka at 808-639-8276 or e-mail To register online, visit The March for Babies is sponsored nationally by the March of Dimes number one corporate supporter Kmart, Actavis, CIGNA, Famous Footwear, Macy’s, Sanofi Pasteur, United Airlines, and Mission Pharmacal. The event is locally sponsored by Bank of Hawaii, Hawaii Pacific Health, Longs Drugs, and Stanford Carr Development.

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