Everybody’s favorite printer and 3D printer supply store has moved its operations to Hawaii.

PrintCountry.com has set up shop on the island of Kauai. The online printing supply store promises to continue offering the same outstanding customer service and comprehensive selection while headquartered on its new island home.

PrintCountry Business Development Manager Mylan Le said she chose Kauai for the company’s new home because of its natural beauty and cultural charm.

“Being an online store, PrintCountry can easily be run from anywhere that has internet access. Why wouldn’t I want to run it from a place that is most people’s definition of paradise?” Ms. Le said. “But even though we will be operating from one of the world’s top vacation destinations doesn’t mean PrintCountry will be on vacation. Our goal has always been to give our current and future customers the best customer service and we will continue to do that from our new home. We are excited to be stationed in Kauai and to be a part of the local business landscape here.”

PrintKauai.com Launched

In honor of its new home, PrintCountry has launched sister site PrintKauai.com to accommodate  the island’s printing and 3D printing needs.

The site will focus locally on Kauai and the rest of Hawaii and offer special deals to local businesses.

“We want to be a big part of the business community here and to help support local businesses. Even though we operate online, PrintKauai is very much a Kauai store and we want people to think of us as their local print shop down the road,” Ms. Le said.

Once the PrintKauai.com store is up and running, local businesses can find ink & toner at discount prices for all major printer brands, plus pellets and filaments for 3D printing.

The online store will be completed soon to start serving Kauai and area businesses.

About PrintCountry

PrintCountry has been in business since 2001, selling ink & toner and other printing supplies at the most affordable prices found on the internet. Recently, PrintCountry has added 3D printing pellets to its inventory to help support the growing trend of at-home 3D printing.

Mylan Le
Business Development Manager

808-315-3060 (Office)

630-566-0708 (Fax)


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