The Facts Behind the Project for
Kauai Community Empowerment


PR-organic-farmingIt is important that all residents of Kauai are informed regarding the Community Empowerment Project.

What is the Project

The Project will employ methods of community engagement and empowerment that have proven successful in cities across the US and Europe.  These methods will engage community organizations and members in taking responsibility for planning and implementing systems of food production and distribution that will satisfy their basic needs. These systems focus on increasing the number of home and community gardens and small local farms, and employ techniques of organic farming, aquaponics production of fish and vegetables, and other advanced crop production techniques. The food is harvested and distributed to various consumer groups in that community and the resulting income provides for the continued growth and successful expansion of the project.

The Goal of the Project

The goal is to reduce our 85 % dependence on imported products and to instead increase consumption of local food thereby pumping dollars into the local economy rather than into other more distant food corporations. The benefit to Kauai’s residents and visitors will be increased access to fresh wholesome food that is not diminished in nutritional quality nor inflated in price due to packaging and long-distance shipping.

Who is Involved

The Village Green LLC, a Kauai-based farm service and training company, has joined forces with the Kauai Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization,  to plan and launch this project to achieve food self-sufficiency for Kauai. They are inviting  residents and members of organizations in every community on Kauai to participate in the planning and implementation of the Project.

PR-aquaponicsWhat Will it Take?

To support the start-up costs of this project the Village Green and Kauai Foundation staff are seeking grants from local and national foundations.  However, these foundations are often more responsive to projects that demonstrate a strong degree of public support in the form of volunteer participation and cash contributions.  In effect, the foundations are more willing to help those who are more inclined to help themselves.   Accordingly, we are requesting support from all sectors of Kauai including businesses, churches, community organizations, restaurants, markets, families, individuals and many others.  Cash contribution to the Kauai Foundation are tax deductible.  Persons willing to participate in planning and production should contact the Village Green.

Who Benefits

Food self-reliance for Kauai will benefit everyone.  We respectfully request your support.
How to Get Involved
Contact one or both of the following organizations to learn how to support this Project.

PR-KCC-Aquaponic-System-Production021Kauai Foundation
Janee Marie Taylor
PO Box 1537
Koloa,   HI  96756
808 652-2726

Village Green LLC
Glenn Hontz
PO Box 1780
Koloa,  HI  96756
808 742-7820

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