PR-Veterans CemetaryThis memorial day May 27th, 2013…Kala’s Kreations Florist in Kapaa Town is participating in the nationwide Memorial Day Flowers program and will set up a table at the Kauai Veterans Center in Hanapepe to give out roses to visitors. Visitors will receive two roses per family to place one a headstone to honor someone who served and one to keep in rememberance.

We are privileged to participate in honoring the people and families that have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Flowers are a form of emotional expressions and a single stem placed on a headstone is an appropriate show of respect.

If anyone would like to get involved and help hand out roses please contact Kala’s Kreations Florist at 821-­1838.

Kala’s Kreations
Daunene “Dino” Oshiro
821-1838 fax 822-1839

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