Mug Haipule astrologerBy Haipule

It’s spring. Like kittens, puppies and lambs, many of us feel energized and impulsively explore new options. Tired of doing the same thing and expecting different results, we boldly take a leap of faith into the unknown.  This courageous exploration leads us to discover innovative solutions. This is especially important when working with organizations, institutions and people with great power and control.

Astrology continues to remind us that radical transformation is needed in areas associated with power and control: politics, banks, corporate business, education and health systems come to mind.

Radically new solutions may spontaneously arise when we transform our “No” into a deeper ‘yes’. For example, instead of being anti- GMO we focus on being pro-healthy food and the cultivation of sustainable systems needed to ensure this.

The challenge is to curb explosive reactions, and find areas where we can agree. This is essential to heal our selves, our world and to live optimally.

But first we’re invited to let go of resentments, jealousy and indignant self-righteousness. We’re invited to dissolve power struggles and corruption with forgiveness and compassion. The released energy can then be used creatively to explore new options.

The future beckons. It asks us to expand our vision, be more inclusive, and consequently adjust our beliefs about what creates peace and healthy abundance for all.

In the past, cowboys and discoverers sought new worlds when they wanted more freedom, and couldn’t change the status quo. They went bravely and boldly into the unknown. In today’s world we do this through our recognition of how we are all interconnected, and we use our imagination and technology to co-create a brave new world.

What can you do this month to: Make you (and the planet) healthier?  Boldly set good things in motion?      Demonstrate that you believe in something greater than the status quo?

What can you do this month to: Make you (and the planet) healthier? Boldly set good things in motion? Demonstrate that you believe in something greater than the status quo?

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