wib.miller13.3Photo and copy by Janet Miller

The occasional clink of wine glasses and a vibration of laughter were part of the music that played in the lively Mahiko Lounge at Kilohana  Wednesday evening. The atmosphere was relaxed and convivial at this monthly meeting.  Women from all over the island stopped in at Kaua’i’s newest pau hana hideaway.

Hosted by Melinda Uohara, sales manager at “For Kaua’i” magazine,  20 of the island’s business owners enjoyed a breather; a time to talk story about the joys and stresses of being a female, cutting her niche in Kaua’i commerce.

Women in Business was founded by Barbara Bennett, and welcomes any and all female entrepreneurs to come out from 5 to 7 p.m. the last Wednesday of each month for a session of girl talk, feedback and relaxation.

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