PR-image001There is money for students who live between Wailua River and Haena to attend higher education thanks to The Eastside Northshore Kauai Scholarship Fund (ENSKF). The Fund was started eight years ago by Marie and John Moseley, Princeville residents, who felt it was their responsibility and opportunity to have a positive impact on the community.  Marie had participated in the 2004 Challenge Day at Kapaa High School and developed an affinity for the students.  She later became aware that there were specific scholarship funds for students at Kauai and Waimea High Schools but not for students on the east and north sides of Kauai.  She and her husband John with the support of their family worked with the Hawaii Community Foundation (HCF) to implement the ENSKF.  Since its inception eight years ago ENKSF has given over 200 students grants from $500 to $3,000.  Students have varied in age from 18 to 50, freshmen to graduate students, in many career paths including medicine, environmental studies, teaching, science, engineering, music and business.  Students have attended vocational schools, community colleges, private and public universities.  Financial need, community service, academic records as well as applicants’ personal statement and intentions to give back to the community are taken into consideration when awarding scholarships.  Receipts are selected by an advisory board of community members from Kauai. Funding has been provided by the Haumea Foundation and the Nadine N. Moseley Foundation.The fund is administered through the Hawaii Community Foundation and can be found online at their website.  This year’s application deadline is February 22.  Numerous other student grants can be found on the HCF website.

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