Aunty Bev

Aunty Bev, Queen of Chalangalang, Featured Presenter in EKK 30th Season on Monday, January 28. Archival photo by Anne E. O’Malley

Aunty Bev, Queen of Chalangalang, Featured Presenter in EKK 30th Season on Monday, January 28

Aunty Beverly Apana Muraoka — or Aunty Bev, as she’s fondly called — knows how to give an audience a good time. She’ll be the featured presenter on Monday, January 28 at E Kanikapila Kakou.

EKK is the Hawaiian music program that means, literally, “Let’s strike up the music.” Aunty Bev is known for that.

“My Mom was the musician,” said Muraoka in a prior interview. “She taught us when we were very young,” — we meaning herself and her six siblings.

At age five, Muraoka began her musical training and as an adult, when she founded her halau, she included the words “Music Academy” in its name because she also taught guitar and ukulele.

“What’s remarkable was my father was pure Chinese, but he loved the hula. He would buy us instruments.

“Daddy would make a washtub bass and I was the one that played that. We would have an autoharp and mother played harmonica.”

Recently. Muraoka announced her retirement  after a long career — she got her first break in 1962 at the age of 13, performing at the Club Jetty for $1.50 a night.

She reflected on the years she danced at the Coco Palms, from 1965 until 1983.

“I’ve got to admit that when I was younger, people would come from around the world to see me dance at Coco Palms because I was known for my slow hula.

[Attorney] Warren Perry would tease me and say, ‘When you see Aunty Bev dancing, it’s like the Constitution docking at Nawiliwili Harbor, which means she has to come in and glide slowly.’

“I was always known for my slow hula dancing. That’s my style — I’m more on the softer auana.”

“I don’t have a particular hula I love,” she said. “If it’s slow, I love it.”


What: In true local style, E Kanikapila Kakou continues with its second of 10 Monday evenings of grassroots Hawaiian music, featuring presenter Aunty Beverly Apana Muraoka and her Chalangalang Gang.

When & Where: Monday, January 28, 6 p.m. for ukulele instruction; 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. for presentation, at Kaua`i Beach Resort

Highlights: Hawaiian music and hula. Food and beverages available for sale.

Cost: A donation in the calabash; or become a sponsor for the season for $150.

Funding for the 2013 E Kanikapila Kakou program is once again made possible by a grant from the Hawai’i Tourism Authority and managed by the Kaua’i County Office of Economic Development. The Kaua`i Beach Resort lends partial support to the program. The Garden Island Arts Council receives partial support from the Hawai‘i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts through a grant-in-aid from the Hawai’i State Legislature and the NEA.

For more information about the 2013 E Kanikapila Kakou season, contact:; or visit online at


NEXT UP AT EKK: Bobby Moderow, Jr.


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