Marjorie Lewis

Marjorie Lewis won January 2013 Pride of Neighborhood Award. Photo by Sid Jackson

Article by Helena Cooney

Photos by Sid Jackson

What’s a retired realtor  on Kaua`i to do?  Create a stunning house and yard with a most incredible view would be a good start.  That’s what Marjorie Lewis did on her Iwaena Loop lot near Mahelona Hospital. Lewis is the winner of the January 2013 Neighborhood Pride Award given by the Wailua-Kapa`a Neighborhood Association.

When Lewis started landlscaping her yard, she wanted low maintenance.  She’s not sure that’s what she got.

She spends 15 hours a week in her immaculate yard tackling the issues.  For two years, she’s been fighting white stuff on her Sego Palms.  She’s cut off all the palm fronds and sprayed the trees with a strong dish detergent, and it seems as if she’s winning the battle. She trims her plumeria tree each year to keep its size in check.

Marjorie Lewis' home

Marjorie Lewis’ home. She won January 2013 Pride of Neighborhood Award. Photo by Sid Jackson

After a trip to Japan she came back wanting a Japanese Garden. She installed a Torii gateway to an incredible life style.

This is the third home she’s built on the East Side.  Fifteen years ago, she built her 1,150 sq. ft. house with 700 sq. ft. of decking with safety glass to keep the wind out, yet enjoy the view of Sleeping Giant, Lihu`e and all of Kapa`a Town, as well as all the breeching whales you can ever dream of.  One of the decks has a complete outdoor kitchen, perfect for entertaining.

Marjorie will receive her award at the January 26 meeting of the Wailua-Kapa`a Neighborhood Association, to be held at the Kapa`a Library at 2 p.m.  In addition, Jerry Ornellas will speak on the topic “Food Sustainability for Kaua`i”. The meeting is free and open to the public.

Committee Chair Helena Cooney accepts nominations for the Pride Award via email at; or reach her at 808-822-1885. Nominees must meet two criteria: 1.nominees must reside in the 96746 zip code; and 2. nominees must do their own work.
Photos by Sid Jackson

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