DuPont Pioneer check presentation

At the check presentation (l-r): Waimea Canyon Middle School Principal Glenda Miyazaki, DuPont Pioneer managers Judith Rivera and Jon Petersen, media arts teacher Blaine Tsukayama, and DuPont Pioneer outreach committee member Gary Kitabayashi. Photo by Marla Suga

DuPont Pioneer Donates Media Arts Funds Support
DuPont Pioneer employees presented a $5,000 check to Waimea Canyon Middle School teacher Blaine Tsukayama to provide funds to support the school media arts program.

Students will be able to use equipment obtained from the grant to learn new skills in media production as they develop public service announcements, and create and script digital storytelling.

Pioneer Waimea and Kekaha station managers were happy to provide the donation as part of Pioneer’s ongoing support for education programs in our local communities.

Waimea Center manager Judith Rivera shared her thoughts about the importance of supporting community and school programs.

“As a company and as individuals we support community programs that reflect our DuPont Pioneer core values.  We are glad to be able to provide funds that directly benefit students and teachers at our local schools, with the tools and technology that allow them to gain skills in the classroom.”

Waimea Canyon Middle School media arts program teacher Blaine Tsukayama was pleased to receive the check from Pioneer employees.  The funds will allow Mr. Tsukayama to add to equipment for the school media arts program and build on a recent community organization grant from the Aloha Ike education program of the Kauai Economic Development Board.

Pioneer Kekaha Parent Seed manager Jon Petersen noted the commitment Pioneer has for local Westside Kaua`i schools.

“We participate in and support school career days, math and science events, family activities, and science fairs for students to become aware of the career opportunities for them right here on Kaua`i.  We are glad to be able to support the media arts program knowing this allows students to learn team building skills as well as technical skills, preparing students for future career opportunities. “

Students will learn media production skills such as photo composition, interviewing skills, and scripting journalism pieces.

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