Taiko Drummers — Kaua‘i Soto Zen Bon Dance 2015

Because of concerns about COVID-19 still lingering around, the Kaua’i Soto Zen Temple in Hanapepe will have a modified Obon celebration this year. The temple will still honor and celebrate the folk, cultural, and religious traditions of Obon, but without the Bon odori.

The temple will host exhibitions, food and game booths, cultural performances, and workshops on folk dancing and its significance. The public is encouraged to learn, participate, and experience the spirit of Obon.

The event will span five days, from Wednesday June 15 through Sunday, June 19.

Everyone is welcome!

Obon is a time to remember

Obon is a time of joy

Obon is a time when families gather, honor loved ones

Obon is also a time we can pray for peace and ring the temple bell

Come to the temple and experience this joyous celebration!

Special Saturday & Sunday Peformance  by Singing Sensation Torao Hikariyama

Daily Bon Dance workshop for Local Residents to Practice and for Guests to learn

Schedule of Events

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

June 15, 16 and 17 (noon to 5:00 pm)

Temple grounds open to the public

Exhibits, activities, honor loved ones

Light food fare & game booths open to public

“Let’s Bon Dance” Workshop: 2-4 pm

Saturday, June 18 (noon to dusk)

Temple grounds open to the public

Exhibits, activities, honor loved ones

Light food fare & game booths open to public

“Let’s Bon Dance” Workshop: 2-4 pm

Festival food booths open at 4 pm

Temple Memorial Service – 4 pm

Taiko Kauai – 5:15 pm

Torao Hikariyama, Soto Zen Ondo Dancers & The Men of Koi Dynasty – 6 pm

Sunday, June 19 (noon to dusk)

Temple grounds open to the public

Exhibits, activities, honor loved ones

Light food fare & game booths open to public

Festival food booths open at 4 pm

“Let’s Bon Dance” Workshop: 2-4 pm

StoryBook Theatre Rainbow Parade – 4:15 pm

Torao Hikariyama Concert – 5 pm

Fire Burning Ceremony – 6 pm

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