Hurricane Douglas on Friday, July 24 at 5 p.m. Graphic image courtesy of NOAA

Mayor Derek Kawakami has signed an emergency proclamation on Friday, July 24 for the County of Kaua‘i, in preparation for possible impacts from Hurricane Douglas, according to a county news release.

The proclamation authorizes preemptive and protective action and relief for disaster-related damages, losses, and suffering in order to provide for the health, safety, and welfare of the people of Kaua‘i. The mayor’s proclamation follows Gov. David Ige’s announcement on Thursday of a pre-landfall emergency proclamation issued for the state of Hawai‘i.

Officials are encouraging all residents and visitors to begin precautionary measures and to stay closely informed as the storm approaches the state.

“We are closely monitoring Hurricane Douglas, and although we are not yet in a Watch or Warning, we are reminding everyone to remain vigilant and to start preparing now,” said Mayor Kawakami.

According to the National Weather Service (NWS), Kaua‘i County could feel effects of the storm starting as early as Sunday afternoon, but forecast uncertainty remains high at this time.

To view a copy of the Mayor’s emergency proclamation, visit

Preparedness Tips

Officials recommend that residents and visitors take the following actions when preparing for a weather emergency:

  • Emergency Preparedness Kits – Emergency preparedness kits should contain at least a 14-day supply of food and water (to include non-perishable food and one gallon of water per person per day). Kits should also include a battery powered radio, flashlight, an extra supply of prescription medicines and other items specific to individual and family needs. It is also recommended that face coverings and hand sanitizer be included in your kits. Set aside an emergency supply of any needed medication and keep a copy of your prescriptions in case you run out of medication after a disaster.
  • Check Your Property– Walk your property, checking for small outdoor items that could be picked up by high winds, and check for potential flood threats. If time and conditions permit, clear your gutters and other drainage systems.
  • Make an Action Plan– Discuss with family members what you plan to do if a hurricane or tropical storm threatens. Make an action plan, which should include details such as whether your family will shelter in place or evacuate to a shelter. There are no plans to open shelters at this time; however, the county will work with the American Red Cross to open shelters on an as-needed basis and will announce a list of open shelters if or when they become available.
  • County Services/Facilities – Updates on county services will be announced as the storm progresses. Based on the current forecast, the county is making preparations to close all county beach parks and campgrounds at noon on Sunday, July 26. For campers leaving the beach parks or any individuals who are unable to shelter with family or friends, the American Red Cross is prepared to open shelters on Sunday afternoon at the Kīlauea and Kalāheo neighborhood centers and Kaua‘i Community College, if conditions warrant. Additional shelters will open if capacity is exceeded.
  • Visitor Information– Visitors are urged to confirm flight arrangements with their airlines prior to heading to the airport. Visitors should review the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority’s travel safety tips at A copy of their brochure can also be downloaded from the site.
  • Kaua‘i Island Utility Cooperative– KIUC members should prepare for potential storm impacts and possible power outages. Please see more information at the end of this news release, or visit
  • Kaua‘i Department of Water – DOW officials advise that during a weather emergency, strong winds and/or flooding can disrupt electrical power to DOW pumps and equipment, road-access to water sources, and may impact water quality. For more information on preparedness tips for a water emergency, please visit www.kauaiwater.orgor see more information at the end of this news release.
  • Stay Tuned– Continue to stay tuned to local media broadcast channels for the most up-to-date information. The following provides a list of important resources on emergency preparedness.

o   Kaua‘i Emergency Management Agency –

o   NOAA Central Pacific Hurricane Center –

o   National Weather Service – automated weather line at 245-6001

o   Blackboard Connect (The county’s free emergency notification service) – Sign up at, or call the KEMA at 241-1800

Additional Preparedness Tips from KIUC and DOW

Preparedness tips from Kaua‘i Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC):

  • Protect your appliances and sensitive equipment from power outages and surges that may occur because of bad weather by using surge protectors.
  • During a storm turn off and unplug all unnecessary appliances or equipment.
  • Keep a portable battery-powered radio and flashlights on hand with extra batteries.
  • In case of loss of power, when the power comes back on and is steady, gradually plug in your appliances.
  • In the event of high winds, objects can come into contact with overhead lines and electrical equipment causing power interruptions. Sometimes during high winds power lines are knocked down. If you see any lines from utility poles on the ground, assume that they are dangerous and call 911.

Preparedness tips from Kaua‘i Department of Water (DOW):

  • Stay tuned to news reports.
  • Turn off or disconnect any devices or fixtures that regularly draw water, such as automatic ice makers, irrigation systems, etc.
  • Store enough water for you and your family:
  • Use clean containers, preferably those designed for water storage. Refrain from reusing food storage containers that may have contained food with strong odors (such as mayonnaise or pickles) or containers that previously stored non-food items as the water will pick up the odor during storage. Store water containers in a cool, dry place.
  • Disinfect containers. Wash containers thoroughly, then rinse it in a mild bleach solution (one capful of liquid bleach to one gallon of water), then rinse thoroughly.
  • Fill container with water from the tap. Fill the container to the top, keeping minimal amount of air between the water and the cap. Store it in cool, dark place.


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