Cast, crew and playwright in a prior Purple Honu Theatre for Kids production

In a prior Purple Striped Honu Theatre for Kids performance, the cast, crew and playwright include the following. Front (l-r): Renee-wo, Richard Porto, R. Eve Solomon. Back (l-r): Shanawo, Laurel Petterson-McGraw, Nola Ann Conn. Photo by Anne E. O’Malley

Purple Striped Honu Theatre for Kids — Coming Soon to a Neigborhood Center Near You

If you heard a noise in your kitchen in the middle of the night, what would you do? Together with the family dog and cat, our hero Billy confronts The Voice in the Oven. Together we learn where we really belong, as The Purple Striped Honu Theatre for Kids opens its 6th season with Bedtime Story, written by Laurel Petterson McGraw and showing at various neighborhood centers, libraries and pre-schools around the island of Kaua’i. All shows are free and open to the public.

And — Purple Honu is about to introduce to keiki and families our mobile puppet theatre, Puppet Hale.  We will bring our Puppet Hale to events where there are lots of kids….Eastside Family Summit, Koloa Plantation Days, Kukui Grove on a Saturday afternoon — and many more events and places. Come and learn to play with puppets.

We would love for you to become part of our company. You may not know this, but it takes many hands to produce a show, and we sure could use your hands. What can you do to help? From acting, puppet theatre, directing, props, sets, publicity and more — we need help with all.  Come and experience performing for an audience of keiki ages 3- to 8- years. Our goal is to have every keiki experience live theatre.

Performances of Bedtime Story are all on Saturdays and take place at a variety of neighborhood centers around the island. Details on dates/times/locations follow.

October 6, 1 p.m., Kilauea

October 13, 2 p.m., Hanalei

October 27, 1 p.m., Princeville

November 3, 1 p.m., Lihu`e

To learn more about Purple Striped Honu Theatre for Kids, click here.

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