World Trade Center Site

Smoking remains of World Trade Centery, New York City, Ground Zero, This image is a work of a United States Department of Homeland Security employee, taken during the course of an employee’s official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain.

Remembering September 11

Today is a day to pause for reflection. It is the 20th anniversary of Hurricane `Iniki, whose piercing winds on September 11, 1992 rocked Kaua`i; and the 11th anniversary of  the attack on America at the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. that rocked the world on September 11, 2001.

Following is a statement issued by Mayor Bernard P. Carvalho on the 20th anniversary of Hurricane `Iniki.

Aloha!  Twenty years have passed since Hurricane ‘Iniki made its fateful visit to our beautiful island home.  Thankfully, this profound event is but a memory for most of us, with the physical scars from ‘Iniki long-healed throughout Kaua‘i.

And while there are few material reminders of ‘Iniki’s destruction today, we must never forget the monumental effort of an island coming together, with resources generously provided from near and far, to overcome adversity and restore our beautiful Kaua‘i to its physical and spiritual magnificence.

Tree Tunnel, Koloa, after `Iniki

The National Guard clears the tree tunnel, Koloa, after `Iniki. Photo by Anne E. O’Malley

To everyone who lived through the events of September 11, 1992 and played a role – large or small – in the rebuilding of our island home, I would like this opportunity to sincerely thank you. Through the efforts of many loving hands, we have learned that the spirit of Kaua‘i will never be defeated and will surely live on through any adversity we may face. 

Recently, we have been in discussions with persons who hope to address the historic Coco Palms property – one of the few physical reminders of ‘Iniki left on Kaua‘i today.  It is with great hope that, as we acknowledge the 20th anniversary of the hurricane, we work to realize the possibility that this remaining scar may be healed in the near future.

Mahalo again to all who not only survived our most devastating hurricane, but went on to rebuild our community with pride and hope for a future filled with promise, and a Kaua‘i that will endure for generations to come.

Me ka ha’ aha’a,

Bernard P. Carvalho, Jr., Mayor, County of Kaua’i

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