An official opening of a new playground in the North Shore last Friday at 4 p.m. marks the realization of a vision conceived more than five years ago by Hawai‘i Volcanic Water husband-and-wife co-founders and long-time residents Jason and Channon Donovan.

Built almost entirely from recycled plastic and locally sourced non-toxic natural building materials, the new playground at Anaina Hou Community Park in Kilauea will take its keiki (children) and adult explorers on a journey through the creation and history of the Hawaiian Islands.

In the center of the playground, there’s an impressive erupting volcano climbing structure. Next, explorers can imagine navigating the Pacific Ocean with the stars as their guide like the original Polynesian settlers did on a double-hulled Hawaiian ocean sailing canoe. Then, there’s an extensive multi-level ahupua‘a (mountain-to-ocean land area) themed structure ready for adventure. There are also sugarcane era trains, and many other fun surprises in store for young and old alike to discover together.

“The project was inspired by my son Finn, when he was five years young while we were playing at a science themed eco-playground in South Florida. We had so much fun it was hard to leave, so Finn and I decided we needed to build an eco-learning playground where we live on Kaua‘i,” said Jason Donovan, Hawai‘i Volcanic Water CEO. “Huge mahalos to Joan and Bill Porter for accepting our proposal and for donating the land, initial funding, and wonderful heart and soul to make this happen for everyone who lives on or visits Kaua‘i.”

Donovan credits local contractor, now master playground builder Bill Chase and the pros at for making the vision become “A solid and safe reality.” Special thanks are also given to the Anaina Hou team of Thomas Daubert, Jen Luck and Frank Rothschild for their support and for seeing the project through to fruition. He also expresses deep gratitude for the hundreds of people who volunteered their time, donated money, and contributed positive mana (powerful energy) toward creating the playground. “It takes a village!” Donovan said.

Kaua‘i Mayor Derek Kawakami also commended the Donovans and others involved.

“I would like to thank the Donovans for their generous contribution and for putting our environment and children before profits. As a surfer, I truly appreciate their mission to reduce single-use plastic bottles,” Kawakami said. “I also commend the Porters for providing a gathering place for our community, as Anaina Hou Community park is a true gem for all.”

The playground is at Anaina Hou Community Park at 5-2723 Kuhio Hwy. in Kilauea.

Founded by husband and wife Jason and Channon Donovan in 2014, Hawai‘i Volcanic Water is a mission-focused, super premium, naturally alkaline beverage and active lifestyle brand based in Hawaii. The company promotes “Living Aloha” by sponsoring and actively putting together hundreds of local pono (doing what’s right) programs throughout the state. Contact Jason Donovan at or at (808) 639-9394.

Globally, Hawai‘i Volcanic supports and, two nonprofits working hard to provide safe access to clean drinking water to those who need it most.

Learn more at and join them in being a part of the aloha movement @hawaiivolcanic #hawaiivolcanicwater.


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