The County of Kaua‘i is one of the top jurisdictions in the nation
for website transparency, and achieving success informing and engaging citizens with their digital strategy to drive changes in behavior or inspire action.

The County of Kaua‘i, Office of the County Clerk and Kaua‘i County Council, was recently awarded the 2017 Digital Achievement Award by Granicus for its efforts to make accessing county information more transparent through its website and enhanced public awareness.

Granicus is the largest cloud solutions provider for government communications, meeting and agenda management, providing more than 3,000 public sector organizations with digital services.

According to Granicus, “the Office of the County Clerk embarked on a journey to enhance the use of digital services for the people of the County of Kaua‘i, improve internal and external customer service and increase public access to information and expanding citizen engagement in the legislative process.”

A few years ago, information on the County Clerk’s website was scarce and
members of the public needed to go to the Historic County Building to view a County Council Meeting agenda posted on the bulletin board or request to have an agenda mailed to them.

Today, the County Clerk’s website includes access to all meeting agendas,
agenda packets with clickable links, lobbyist registration statements and expenditure statements, uncodified ordinances, electronic and user-friendly Kaua‘i County Code, the Charter of the County of Kaua‘i, all adopted resolutions, and more. The public is also able to sign-up to receive notices and agendas via E-mail, or submit testimony electronically. The Kaua‘i County Council also utilizes a Facebook page to share information regularly.

“In recent years, the Office of the County Clerk has made great strides to
improving our digital communications strategies by making Council information as accessible as possible through our website. We have led the charge for other County departments and agencies to become more transparent utilizing modern technology and continue to seek improvements to better serve our community,” said Mel Rapozo, Council Chair.

To view the Kaua‘i County Council and Office of the County Clerk website,
please visit http://www.kauai.gov/Council and keep up-to-date on Council happenings by following “Kauai County Council” on Facebook.

For more information, please contact the Office of the County Clerk, at 241-4188.

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