By Léo Azambuja

Left to right, Ruby Pap, Carrie Miranda and Laurie Roberts

Thousands around the nation joined the March for Science April 22. On Kaua‘i, about 300 residents — and visitors — rallied at the highway intersection by Lihu‘e Airport, even during a persistent rain, to share support for science.

“People who value science have remained silent for far too long in the face of policies that ignore scientific evidence and endanger both human life and the future of our world,” the March for Science website states.

The March for Science states the application of science to policy is not a partisan issue; anti-science agendas and policies have been advanced by politicians on both sides of the aisle. Science, they say, is a tool for seeking answers, and should influence policy and guide our long-term decision-making.

“We must take science out of the labs and journals and share it with the world,” March for Science states.

Well, Kaua‘i is doing its part.

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