Kauai Water Safety & Fire Department come to the Rescue once again. Sixty young paddler’s ages eight to thirteen learned CPR & Water Safety Training at Pu’uwai Canoe Club Annual Splash Day

Kauai Water Safety & Fire Department come to the Rescue once again. Sixty young paddler’s ages eight to thirteen learned CPR & Water Safety Training at Pu’uwai Canoe Club Annual Splash Day which open the clubs regatta season.

Some of our youth paddlers have gone through these instructions 4 or 5 years in a row now understanding the first rule is be smart and observant enough not to get into trouble and the second is how to safely help someone who is.

The wonderful lifeguards men and women of the Kapa’a Fire Department provide a foundation of safety first practical life-saving skills and a deep love the ocean, the land and the people of Kauai. I particularly would like to express our gratitude to Fire Chief Robert Westerman, OSSO Kalani Vieira, training Lieutenant Gerald Hurd and rescue operator Kleve Zarbaugh, along with our amazing Fireman at the Kapa’a Station.

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