The Baby Pond at Lydgate, after this week’s heavy rains. Photo courtesy of Kaua‘i Path

If you’re an early riser and like to keep our island clean and beautiful, there’s a job for you this morning.

The recent heavy rains caused a lot of driftwood to collect in the protected baby-swimming pond at Lydgate Park, according to Tommy Noyes, executive director of Kaua‘i Path.

“The Beach Cleanup Team could really use your help to clear the driftwood from this and other areas,” he said.

The cleanup starts at 8:30 a.m. today, and the work should be over by 10:0 a.m., accordin to Noyes.

“If you can kokua, please wear shoes that protect your feet (not slippers) and BYO work gloves,” he said.

Kaua‘i Path also offering a “Bicycling Skills for Adults” class on Saturday, March 11. The comprehensive class will teach bike-handling skills to ride safely and legally in traffic and on the trail.

Then on April 22, Kaua‘i Path is asking for volunteers to participate in “Earth Day 2017” at Lydgate Park. The Friends of Kamalani and Lydgate will have various projects to spruce up the park and remove marine debris. And there will be lunch. The celebration will be from 7:30 a.m. to noon, but the work should be finished by 10:30 a.m. So there will plenty time to have lunch and talk story with other volunteers.

Visit for more information. And show up this morning at Lydgate to help clean up if you can.

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