By Uma Sivanathan


Uma Sivanathan

The good news is that an explosion of scientific evidence and clinical studies is being brought forth into the medical community, proving that at least 80 percent of all chronic diseases are preventable and reversible by the food we eat and by our daily lifestyle choices. These chronic conditions include heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer and diabetes.

My husband and I have lived on Kaua‘i for more than 35 years, and we raised our family here. We love this island and its people, and want to give back by sharing this exciting information with our community members.

I began my research in nutrition and healthy lifestyle before our three children were born, so that I could care for them in the best possible way. My husband and I are now 65 years old and have transitioned into a way of life that brings us strong, renewed vitality each day, peace of mind and a purpose in life.

I passionately continue my research and have found out that we are at the cusp of a seismic change in health care; this is a tipping point. I have included the websites of a few of the many well-known physicians who are having great success teaching their patients what the underlying causes of most diseases are: the food we put into our mouths and the daily choices we make.

All of these physicians believe food is medicine, and they recommend a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole, unprocessed foods. Growing an organic home-garden is the ideal. It provides chemical-free produce and it is also a great way to exercise in the fresh air, surrounded by the beauty of Kaua‘i. Another choice is to purchase fresh produce at our many farmers’ markets, supporting local farmers at the same time.

The same physicians unanimously recommend daily exercise. We are so fortunate to have our bike path with its scenic panorama, our many gorgeous hiking paths and the ocean for swimming, surfing and body-boarding, all inspiring us to be active.

Also, the physicians agree stress management and love are essential for optimum health. Doing activities such as yoga and meditation, and getting a massage, bring a sense of relaxation and inner calmness. The feeling of being loved and giving love to family members, friends and the community makes our lives fulfilled.

Another way to increase our vitality is by doing periodic gentle cleansing and detoxing of our internal organs, circulatory and glandular systems. I liken this to changing the oil in our cars.

Although we cannot change the blood that runs through every part of our bodies and brings nutrients to all of our cells, we can eliminate environmental pollutants and food-born toxins from it. This is a powerful way to enhance the proper functioning of our liver and kidneys. These organs work very hard to prevent disease by filtering harmful elements from our body.

I was lucky enough to train with a master at cleansing/detoxing, and now I have the knowledge and experience to teach others of its benefits. My husband and I recently launched Mana‘olana Center for Health and Healing, a nonprofit educational organization, along with Anusha Smith, a Naturopath and Medical Herbalist.

Mana‘olana means hope and confidence. Our mission is to give our community members the hope and confidence to take control of their health and that of their family members. Ours is an integrative, complimentary, multi-faceted approach addressing the body, mind, spirit and emotions.

So this is the very best news: We don’t have to suffer with chronic illness. Our body is miraculous in its ability to heal itself. We hold the power of well being in our own hands by the daily choices we make.

I highly encourage you to visit,,,,,, and, which are filled with life-changing information and delicious, nutritious recipes.

To your vibrant health and a long life, full of joy!

  • Uma Sivanathan is the founder and president of Mana`olana Center for Health and Healing. She can be contacted at

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